View Full Version : Activities for under 18mth old children

J Badgers
27-05-2014, 02:52 PM
I've been childminding for well over a year but with slightly older children (more 3yo).... I now am looking after 2 rising 18 month old children (boy, who is closer to 12 months and a girl who is 16 months), and although communication is really improving, I'm running out of activity ideas. Both of them eat playdoh and crayons! Are not ready for cutting/ gluing crafts yet and while the weather remains wet and miserable outside (even though we do go out in it often) the park for swings and slides are out of the question. I'm really wanting some play/ activity ideas to pique their interest, if anyone has any?
TIA :)

28-05-2014, 06:27 PM
I look after a 2yr old and an 18month old they both enjoy posting ball, lids, cars in fact anything through tubes, holes in boxes etc. They also enjoy messy play just choose something that they can't eat or is safe cheerios or other cereals are good.

28-05-2014, 07:13 PM
I gave my 12mth mindee a pile of flour and poured a little water over it ... He has fun moving it around with his hands ... He then wiped it all over his face and hair and the table, sucked it off his fingers and then put his head down and licked it like a dog! Kept him absorbed for ages and other LOs kept saying "yuck ... loocyloo, look what Fred is doing" !!!!

Mrs Scrubbit
28-05-2014, 08:27 PM
Custard in a tray.....made up to form a lovely, fairly thick, edible play activity........not to forget the sprinkles!x

28-05-2014, 08:40 PM
I have 4 this age and I always do sensory food play , cornflakes, rice crispier, pasta, rice (being dry it's less messy!) one enjoys painting

28-05-2014, 09:26 PM
Sensory boxes/tubs/trays go down so well here

Sand and water play - we sometimes use an under bed storage box and fill with around 2-3 inches of water and add bubbles along with containers to fill and pour. Place a bath towel on the floor to catch the spills. They will love it!!

Aqua doodle is a fav too.

Sensory bottles

Nature walks

Blocks, bricks, jar lids, sweet wrappers and containers - they forever transport the materials from one container to another.

Outdoor shaving foam play - always loved but very messy

Farm animals and the farm

A range of books - a trip to the library?

Music - dancing, singing and musical instruments.

Dens, tents - with teddies, books, cushions

A ball in the garden for a kick about.

A large pot filled with soil - offer spades, shovels and pots to fill - plant some seeds together - they will love helping to water them.

Drawing, colouring - colouring books

Hope some of that helps :) xxx