View Full Version : Update from Pacey regarding claiming training with HMRC

Chatterbox Childcare
23-05-2014, 08:06 PM
This was posted on the pacey local forum today which is good news for everyone. I asked them to clarify with the HMRC on claiming for training costs. Please consider this when you next see that Pacey do nothing for childminders.

Hi Debbie

Sorry for the delay, we've been waiting for HMRC to clarify this and now I have their answer I will do my best to explain:

You cannot claim the training expenses when getting the initial skills to set up as a childminder, however once you are trading as a childminder you can claim training expenses when enhancing your skills. These must be necessary for your work, for example if there was a Childminding refresher course that you had to do annually etc then this would generally be allowable, equally as mentioned, safeguarding and first aid courses are essential and so are allowable.

The vital point is that any training claimed must only be essential for you to do childminding, in other words enhancing your knowledge, if asked you would need to prove that it was essential for you do this training to continue and enhance your work.

An example of something you wouldn't be able to claim would be if you did an art course at college; although you might do art with the children, this would not be essential for the job and so would not be seen as being related to your work and so not allowable.

The issue with any additional training or qualification you may take is that is has to be proved that it is purely for your current Childminder role, if it is a more generic qualification that is transferable it may not be allowable as it is not specific to this job.

Link to HMRC info BIM42526 - Specific deductions: administration: own training courses (http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/manuals/bimmanual/bim42526.htm)

23-05-2014, 09:14 PM
Thank you very much and thank you pacey.

23-05-2014, 09:30 PM
Thank you for asking the question and for the info

23-05-2014, 09:59 PM
Thank you for that x Can I just check that I've read that right though...you CANNOT claim for initial training to set up as a childminder?! Surely that's essential training seeing as you literally cannot register without it? Or have I got the wrong end of the stick? :-S

24-05-2014, 02:39 AM
THANK YOU PACEY - I'm not sure what for or am I missing something?

From what I can see nothing further has been achieved - all that has been clarified is that you can claim first aid and safeguarding courses and childminder refresher courses and any other courses that you take are arguably 'not essential' whether it be child development, play, nvq's etc... etc.... as these are 'not essential' to being a childminder i.e. you don't have to have them to be a childminder. Even though they are imo essential for cpd.
From what I have read all you can claim for is what the government state you have to legally have to be registered as a childminder, therefore - the bare minimum - and no cpd as this could arguably be transferred elsewhere and again 'not essential.
The art course analogy is totally unhelpful and a bit condescending imo. But that may just be me.
And the fact that you can't claim initial training costs to qualify as a childminder is outrageous. And I cannot believe pacey would accept that this is fair.

Please tell me I have got it wrong. I can't see where pacey have done anything to support a childminder in claiming for their expenses for cpd except to just re distribute HMRC stance on screwing us over.

I hope I don't offend anyone and again I would love to be corrected.

At the bottom of this post - it may have gone - is an add for level 2 food safety - £15 on line course - using this as an example (more apt than the pacey analogy) - it is arguably not essential for being a childminder (desirable and would enhance your skills) and is transferable therefore would not be allowable as an expense??

Chatterbox Childcare
24-05-2014, 02:55 PM
THANK YOU PACEY - I'm not sure what for or am I missing something?

From what I can see nothing further has been achieved - all that has been clarified is that you can claim first aid and safeguarding courses and childminder refresher courses and any other courses that you take are arguably 'not essential' whether it be child development, play, nvq's etc... etc.... as these are 'not essential' to being a childminder i.e. you don't have to have them to be a childminder. Even though they are imo essential for cpd.
From what I have read all you can claim for is what the government state you have to legally have to be registered as a childminder, therefore - the bare minimum - and no cpd as this could arguably be transferred elsewhere and again 'not essential.
The art course analogy is totally unhelpful and a bit condescending imo. But that may just be me.
And the fact that you can't claim initial training costs to qualify as a childminder is outrageous. And I cannot believe pacey would accept that this is fair.

Please tell me I have got it wrong. I can't see where pacey have done anything to support a childminder in claiming for their expenses for cpd except to just re distribute HMRC stance on screwing us over.

I hope I don't offend anyone and again I would love to be corrected.

At the bottom of this post - it may have gone - is an add for level 2 food safety - £15 on line course - using this as an example (more apt than the pacey analogy) - it is arguably not essential for being a childminder (desirable and would enhance your skills) and is transferable therefore would not be allowable as an expense??

I just clicked on the BIM and it states CPD is okay - am I missing something?

Pacey have not reiterated anything, just clarified the facts.

Maybe another organisation will do the same and get further, let us know how they go.

24-05-2014, 03:58 PM
I just clicked on the BIM and it states CPD is okay - am I missing something?

Pacey have not reiterated anything, just clarified the facts.

Maybe another organisation will do the same and get further, let us know how they go.

BIM ?? I can';t find it.

Yes, pacey have reiterated what HMRC have said and imo is not fair or just, yes it is fact, however they don't get applause for stating facts, they may get applause for supporting childminders better with being able to claim all their childcare business related training expenses as expenditure which is not the case at present.

Where did you find that cpd is covered?? I found certain aspects are claimable but this is very strict rules about claiming purely on the basis of what training you absolutely need to be registered as a childminder are allowable (which was reiterated by pacey)not training over and above the basics which is what cpd generally is. i.e. nvq, degree, etc.... etc... This is what I feel a childminding organisation should be fighting for and they should be ashamed that it isn't the case. Nurseries, school etc... etc... are able to claim these costs and even get burseries from government to train their staff accordingly where do we end up?? paying for it with our taxes.

Chatterbox Childcare
24-05-2014, 05:57 PM
BIM ?? I can';t find it.

Yes, pacey have reiterated what HMRC have said and imo is not fair or just, yes it is fact, however they don't get applause for stating facts, they may get applause for supporting childminders better with being able to claim all their childcare business related training expenses as expenditure which is not the case at present.

Where did you find that cpd is covered?? I found certain aspects are claimable but this is very strict rules about claiming purely on the basis of what training you absolutely need to be registered as a childminder are allowable (which was reiterated by pacey)not training over and above the basics which is what cpd generally is. i.e. nvq, degree, etc.... etc... This is what I feel a childminding organisation should be fighting for and they should be ashamed that it isn't the case. Nurseries, school etc... etc... are able to claim these costs and even get burseries from government to train their staff accordingly where do we end up?? paying for it with our taxes.

Click on the blue writing in the original thread first post. I got this for cpd with the purpose of up-dating their skills and professional expertise is normally revenue expenditure, which is deductible from the profits of the business

Lots of other information there.

24-05-2014, 06:21 PM
Click on the blue writing in the original thread first post. I got this for cpd with the purpose of up-dating their skills and professional expertise is normally revenue expenditure, which is deductible from the profits of the business

Lots of other information there.

Yes but I read further as it advises, it refers you to BIM35660 - Capital/revenue divide: intangible assets: proprietor's training courses
Expenditure incurred by the proprietor of a business on training courses for themselves is revenue expenditure if the course merely updates existing expertise or knowledge. Expenditure on a course which provides new expertise or knowledge is capital.

Chatterbox Childcare
24-05-2014, 07:01 PM
Yes but I read further as it advises, it refers you to BIM35660 - Capital/revenue divide: intangible assets: proprietor's training courses
Expenditure incurred by the proprietor of a business on training courses for themselves is revenue expenditure if the course merely updates existing expertise or knowledge. Expenditure on a course which provides new expertise or knowledge is capital.

but either way it would be an expense - just which sort? think this is getting a bit deep. I was just trying to answer a lot of questions, especially that of one childminder who was being investigated and being told that she couldn't claim anything.

As always, if people need clarification I sign post them to their accountant.

I have re read the example and they are talking about a english tutor who wanted to claim law expenses - which of course you cannot claim which is the scenario that was given with the art example by pacey.

25-05-2014, 02:19 AM
but either way it would be an expense - just which sort? think this is getting a bit deep. I was just trying to answer a lot of questions, especially that of one childminder who was being investigated and being told that she couldn't claim anything.

As always, if people need clarification I sign post them to their accountant.

I have re read the example and they are talking about a english tutor who wanted to claim law expenses - which of course you cannot claim which is the scenario that was given with the art example by pacey.

Don't get me wrong - I think all training in connection with your business should be an allowable expense but it clearly is not according to HMRS and cpd comes under this umbrella of non allowable expenses. It wouldn't even be an allowable expense under capital. It clearly states that only training expenses that are allowed are what you need to perform your business i.e. when I first started it was First aid and an introduction to childminding practice (ICP), (off course it is dependent on whom you are registered with) A lot seems to be hid in smoke and mirrors - pacey imo havn't given a straight, useful answer and hmrs provides a lot of reading to interpret the outcome for yourself and then we have media and government saying we should be more qualified - but it seems we have to pay for it out of taxed income. I know its a difference of probably 25% we are talking but I would prefer not to have to pay an addition percentage on work related training - I pay enough tax as it is.

I think if you read through all the case studies and advice you will find that cpd is not an allowable expense which is ridiculous imo. And this is why I cannot thank pacey - and again what would they be thanked for? It's been a long time since I have seen them fight for childminders. I would thank pacey for giving better facts instead of HMRS jargon. I'm not anti pacey or HMRS for that matter but I am anti the smoke and mirrors approach. It's not pacey' fault I know but I just don't feel they help. But thank you for your time in replying.

25-05-2014, 06:08 PM
Childminders have always done extra courses and CPD. we are having to do even more nowadays because LA courses have pretty much disappeared.

Ofsted are telling us even as recently as at our last Ofsted Big Conversation at the weekend that providers with higher qualifications gain better inspection outcomes - it's hardly rocket science is it?

Yet now we are told that we can't claim expenses for online training courses and foundation degrees and other training to improve ourselves - even if we have no intention of doing anything other than childminding.

What I don't understand is why this was not tackled when the original agreement between ncma and HMRC was first reached :(

Chatterbox Childcare
25-05-2014, 10:08 PM
Childminders have always done extra courses and CPD. we are having to do even more nowadays because LA courses have pretty much disappeared.

Ofsted are telling us even as recently as at our last Ofsted Big Conversation at the weekend that providers with higher qualifications gain better inspection outcomes - it's hardly rocket science is it?

Yet now we are told that we can't claim expenses for online training courses and foundation degrees and other training to improve ourselves - even if we have no intention of doing anything other than childminding.

What I don't understand is why this was not tackled when the original agreement between ncma and HMRC was first reached :(

Whilst I understand the frustration here - everyone needs to realise that NCMA/Pacey made arrangements with the HMRC but you don't have to stick with them (I don't use the ratio percentages for example) and I read the BIM which the HMRC write no pacey as we can claim. Once again, refer to your accountants if unsure.

Also, whilst Pacey represent childminders, some defer to another membership body, ask them to represent you and get this sorted. I was only trying to help and it seems to be "shoot the messenger" or blame Pacey because it isn't what people want.

This isn't an attack or criticism against Koala or Sarah but why does everyone slate Pacey when they get the information I asked for and no other body/organisation does even this?

26-05-2014, 12:20 PM
Sorry chatterbox, I didn't mean to offend you and definitely don't want to shoot you.

I am just getting a bit long in the tooth to have the wool pulled over my eyes and I tend to say so and forget that sometimes I lack tact - so apologies for any offence given or taken :thumbsup:

Thank you for your time and for sharing but I still don't have any thanks for pacey. :thumbsup:

The reason I don't thank pacey is because I feel sold out as a childminder - what point are pacey if they are not there as an association to fight for our rights. There are many areas where I feel we are unduly and unlawfully penalized as childminders for example:- claiming training as expenses and there are other aspects which is for another day. An organisation that represents its members needs to fight against injustices and I don't believe pacey do anymore. Your correct this is my gripe and if I don't like it I should do something about it and I do not wish to be too negative but I can't keep my gob shut sometimes. I think it comes with age - everything sags :D

Thanks again for sharing.

p.s. I am my accountant. :D

26-05-2014, 02:42 PM
Blimey I have no intention of having a go at you!

I hope you know me well enough to know it's just a general frustration at the decision to disallow training when we all have to do it and Ofsted expect it and now we are told we can't claim it and it should have been thought about and ..... and ...... I get it in the neck when giving the advice too.

Sorry chatterbox please accept my apologies if I have said anything that might cause offence xx

Chatterbox Childcare
26-05-2014, 03:13 PM
I think I need to go back and read it all again with a clear head because I read it that we can claim all cpd and essential training once we are up and running.

Koala and Sarah as I said I haven't taken this personally and am not offended by you or anyone (I am pretty thick skinned :) )

hectors house
27-05-2014, 06:34 AM
Thank you for sharing - I don't really care whether PACEY or HRMC say I can claim for my CPD courses or not, I shall continue to claim for them - as I said on a previous post, when I go on courses on "Observation & Planning" or Managing Positive Behaviour and Nursery staff are attending then that proves to me that these courses are relevant to me as a Childcare professional - I know the Nursery staff aren't paying for themselves, their employers the Nursery are putting this an an expenses through their accounts.

27-05-2014, 06:53 AM
Thank you for sharing - I don't really care whether PACEY or HRMC say I can claim for my CPD courses or not, I shall continue to claim for them - as I said on a previous post, when I go on courses on "Observation & Planning" or Managing Positive Behaviour and Nursery staff are attending then that proves to me that these courses are relevant to me as a Childcare professional - I know the Nursery staff aren't paying for themselves, their employers the Nursery are putting this an an expenses through their accounts.

Too right Hectors house - but it seems to be one rule for one and screw the childminder! because we are so small - can you imagine teachers going on a course and then being told "you have to pay for it yourself" ? -NO! The NUT would have something to say about that - but what do pacey say? there I go again :panic: :blush:

One good thing I have realized is the best way of obtaining valuable online cpd is using childcare companies (childcarecouk do it) free training packages when registering with them - registration is tax deductible element without question and yes I may swallow my pride and join pacey again for that very reason.

27-05-2014, 08:50 AM
I cannot understand why Cms are confused by this?

Any pre registration training is paid for by the CM ...possibly by using the grant (if they claim that grant which is still available from the DfE) but it will not go very far...once your business is set up then what you claim has to be related to cminding.

The question to answer is: would you spend that money on it if you were not a cm? Would you do Paediatric First Aid if you did not care for children? would you do safeguarding?

What Pacey have said is hardly rocket science...it has been so for the last 20+ years

The rules governing CMs and HMRC is open to all to see and anyone who has an accountant will know they follow them

CPD has always been part of our good practice...Ofsted in their guidance say they will check our qualifications
It was EPPE that confirmed qualifications lead to better outcomes in 2004 not Ofsted

All in all CMs are trying to become mini accountants and understand the complicated rules of HMRC and home based businesses...it is far more complicated than just looking at a guidance

With training being paid for by cms in future this needs to be addressed...not just by pacey but all associations because agencies will certainly do that for their members...did Truss not say Cms need help in running their business?

My suggestion remains the same...look into using a qualified accountant

27-05-2014, 10:19 AM
I think I need to go back and read it all again with a clear head because I read it that we can claim all cpd and essential training once we are up and running.

Koala and Sarah as I said I haven't taken this personally and am not offended by you or anyone (I am pretty thick skinned :) )

My Accountant has always made me include all Training costs and CPD so magazines, newspapers, workshops, internet access etc etc.

What does surprise me is the setting up Training . How can that not be a legitimate expense because if you don't do it you are not going to be able to Register as a Childminder? A bit like saying to a Window cleaner you can't claim for your first ladder, bucket and cloth but any bought after that fine!!!

27-05-2014, 10:52 AM
I still have not had my previous question answered...nurseries and preschools will claim the cost of CPD for their employees...so why are Cms not entitled to claim for theirs?

We need this asked by those who represent us...whoever they are

27-05-2014, 11:32 AM
What does surprise me is the setting up Training . How can that not be a legitimate expense because if you don't do it you are not going to be able to Register as a Childminder? A bit like saying to a Window cleaner you can't claim for your first ladder, bucket and cloth but any bought after that fine!!!

I completely agree....this part makes no sense to me whatsoever. If the initial training isn't claimable then how can anything else be?! If we're saying that paediatric first aid and safeguarding, the things we HAVE to do to maintain our registration, can be claimed for once we're registered, where's the logic/justification in not being able to claim for them when setting up?! Confused.com!

27-05-2014, 11:38 AM
I completely agree....this part makes no sense to me whatsoever. If the initial training isn't claimable then how can anything else be?! If we're saying that paediatric first aid and safeguarding, the things we HAVE to do to maintain our registration, can be claimed for once we're registered, where's the logic/justification in not being able to claim for them when setting up?! Confused.com!

The initial training to register to become a CM used to be offered for free by the LA...is this not the case anymore?

CMs must do First Aid and CProtection before registration...is that not part of the LA package? maybe those who are currently registering can tell us about their experience
CMs can also claim the grant for setting up...are LAs advertising this as it has been extended by the DfE.

27-05-2014, 11:56 AM
Our borough used to offer the initial training free ( a few years ago). They found a lot of people attended all the free training , they did not actually register.

Now they charge.

hectors house
27-05-2014, 12:05 PM
When I registered I was given £300 start up grant from the local authority, part of the money was for NCMA membership and toolkit, it was up to us what the rest of the money was spent on - I entered the money into my accounts as income received and then put my first aid training, doctors medical form, and equipment copy receipts through as expenses - I had to send the originals to LA to prove what I used money for.

27-05-2014, 12:10 PM
When I registered I was given £300 start up grant from the local authority, part of the money was for NCMA membership and toolkit, it was up to us what the rest of the money was spent on - I entered the money into my accounts as income received and then put my first aid training, doctors medical form, and equipment copy receipts through as expenses - I had to send the originals to LA to prove what I used money for.

That is how it used to be...I did the same
At the moment those who want to register have to go to their LA for initial briefings and training as FA and CP are still LAs approved (EYFS 2012)
I cannot believe LAs are charging new CMs!!

From Sept those cms who want to register with an agency can approach the agency who will have a package and 'register' them at a cost of course but for independent CMs they cannot receive a registration visit by Ofsted until all training is in place

Has this changed? it is certainly very messy and needs addressing...so I am listening and reading all comments

27-05-2014, 12:16 PM
Still clear as mud to me.

So..You cannot claim the training expenses when getting the initial skills to set up as a childminder - I presume that agency minders will be able to put through their agency fee which covers these initial skills - but independent childminders cannot claim them.

Chatterbox Childcare
27-05-2014, 02:33 PM
That is how it used to be...I did the same
At the moment those who want to register have to go to their LA for initial briefings and training as FA and CP are still LAs approved (EYFS 2012)
I cannot believe LAs are charging new CMs!!

From Sept those cms who want to register with an agency can approach the agency who will have a package and 'register' them at a cost of course but for independent CMs they cannot receive a registration visit by Ofsted until all training is in place

Has this changed? it is certainly very messy and needs addressing...so I am listening and reading all comments

Simona the system changed in sept 13 and anyone wanting to register with Ofsted had to have their paperwork/courses done before they could even apply. Makes sense I think - weedles out the time wasters

27-05-2014, 04:18 PM
My compulsory start up course has cost me £295 via PACEY (Local Authority provider). I will have to pay an additional £50 to LA if I'm not working within 6 months. I had assumed that as it was an essential part of setting up the business it would be an allowable expense. :(

Chatterbox Childcare
27-05-2014, 05:30 PM
[QUOTE=Lal;1363854]My compulsory start up course has cost me £295 via PACEY (Local Authority provider). I will have to pay an additional £50 to LA if I'm not working within 6 months. I had assumed that as it was an essential part of setting up the business it would be an allowable expense. :([

Depends which way your record the guidance but to me I would put it all down as start up costs

27-05-2014, 06:14 PM
Simona the system changed in sept 13 and anyone wanting to register with Ofsted had to have their paperwork/courses done before they could even apply. Makes sense I think - weedles out the time wasters

I agree and I am aware that those who register have to do the courses before their Ofsted visit...I am clear on that as it is in the current EYFS and agree with it totally
I am trying to understand how much is the amount it costs cms to register via the LA and why it cannot be put through their books once they start operating

Will go and ask a few questions :thumbsup:

11-06-2014, 11:28 PM
Simona and everyone else,

I started registration early last year and this is what I have had to pay out to become a childminder upto now:
£35.00 Ofsted registration fee
£104.20 Dbs fee (mine and my son's) I just missed out on the La paying for it has it changed in July you paid yourselfand I only started the registration application in August.
£40.00 Paediatric First Aid course.
£50.00 Doctors fee for medical.
£35.00 ICO

Some of the above I know everyone had to pay for themselves, the ICO I don't see how they justify the costs.
I already had 3 DBS enhanced checks because of my previous employment, ridiculous I had to have one done everytime I changed jobs in the same building to work with children I was already around.

Since coming into childminding from my point of view the government just want everything to cost too much to set up alone and merely force people to Agency's, from my experience once they have an agenda they manipulate everything to work to their advantage. When they have consultations it is just another ploy to pretend to be interested in the views and concerns of others and to humour us, they really couldn't care less as things will become the way they want it regardless.

I have read many updates and posts on here about concerns raised at meetings with Truss and the crew and as pointed out the media smoke screen everything to look like we are all in favour of the changes.
Sometimes I think Ofsted inspections are part of their big plan to force us to agencies also, strange how outstanding childminders are suddenly being downgraded for such trivial things as not having a print rich environment etc.

Just my opinion but as I say I have read a lot on here and reading between the lines I think maybe this is why we cannot claim for certain courses yet nurseries etc, can.
Shame we don't still have Tony Wilson around and his TV live debates to get the real picture across.

Little Penny's
12-06-2014, 09:09 AM
I started registration last October.

I had to pay my LA £100 for a 3 day course over a 3 week period. This included safeguarding training. We were told about the grant and that its to use as we wish but can only be claimed once you have your certificate.

On the course we were told to claim the cost of the course and travel expenses. We were also told we were lucky as the following group who would have been trained this Apr will be paying £150 for the same course.

I've had to pay for my DBS's for both my husband and I even though I had an enhanced one in may. (I'm slightly confused why it has to be a specific company. Surely an enhanced check is the same no matter who you pay.)

My health dec my ofsted fee and everything else that goes along.

I've worked out that by the time I finally get an income at the end of July I'm likely to have spent nearly £1000 with double pushchair and everything.

Not to add that in oct I was told I should be able to start working in February when I didn't get my pre-reg until beginning of april (dbs delay) and my cert came first week of may. With all the delays I held off advertising until I had my pre-reg booked. Hence why no one starting until July

14-06-2014, 05:56 PM
Simona and everyone else,

I started registration early last year and this is what I have had to pay out to become a childminder upto now:
£35.00 Ofsted registration fee
£104.20 Dbs fee (mine and my son's) I just missed out on the La paying for it has it changed in July you paid yourselfand I only started the registration application in August.
£40.00 Paediatric First Aid course.
£50.00 Doctors fee for medical.
£35.00 ICO

Some of the above I know everyone had to pay for themselves, the ICO I don't see how they justify the costs.
I already had 3 DBS enhanced checks because of my previous employment, ridiculous I had to have one done everytime I changed jobs in the same building to work with children I was already around.

Since coming into childminding from my point of view the government just want everything to cost too much to set up alone and merely force people to Agency's, from my experience once they have an agenda they manipulate everything to work to their advantage. When they have consultations it is just another ploy to pretend to be interested in the views and concerns of others and to humour us, they really couldn't care less as things will become the way they want it regardless.

I have read many updates and posts on here about concerns raised at meetings with Truss and the crew and as pointed out the media smoke screen everything to look like we are all in favour of the changes.
Sometimes I think Ofsted inspections are part of their big plan to force us to agencies also, strange how outstanding childminders are suddenly being downgraded for such trivial things as not having a print rich environment etc.

Just my opinion but as I say I have read a lot on here and reading between the lines I think maybe this is why we cannot claim for certain courses yet nurseries etc, can.
Shame we don't still have Tony Wilson around and his TV live debates to get the real picture across.

Thank you for sharing the info...very useful
I hope you have applied for the CM 'start up' grant...it has been extended until Dec 2014 I believe...it is not much but better than nothing.

The costs of registration for independent CMs will soar I am sure but we still don't know how much it will cost to register via an agency...that would be useful to hear about so we can compare

I have always said we have been concentrating on agencies so much ...we seem to have forgotten that ICMs are still the huge majority....we need answers but we may have to wait a bit longer for those

17-06-2014, 12:08 PM
How do you claim this - is it the cost of the course to you in money or the time you spend training ? X

17-06-2014, 12:56 PM
How do you claim this - is it the cost of the course to you in money or the time you spend training ? X

I'm sorry - I did Laugh when you asked if you got paid for your time!! No such luck, the time you give is paid with love for the job :laughing: :laughing: and all the thanks you get from ??????

:thumbsup: I think you claim through the your local authority :thumbsup: Generally the department that help! you register :thumbsup:

18-06-2014, 04:37 PM
No I didn't get the grant simona but will be looking into now you've mentioned it.

25-06-2014, 06:20 AM
No I didn't get the grant simona but will be looking into now you've mentioned it.

The info is all here on the DfE website
There is also another link that tells you how to apply


Auntym....you claim the grant for starting your business and to cover some of the costs of your training and set up
Think of it as an investment as you are setting up your own business...if you have an accountant seek advice on starting up costs

Don't forget to also approach your LA and ask if they have any financial incentives for new childcare businesses especially if you wish to draw funding for 2 year olds or children with disabilities

Good luck and ...claim what you are entitled to :thumbsup:

02-07-2014, 08:38 AM
I've just read this with interest as I'm about to embark on an online CYPW Level 3 which , as self funded, will cost upwards of £1,000, and which I'm expecting to claim as CPD because 1) I wouldn't be doing it at all if I wasn't childminding,2) I'll be applying the knowledge and expertise gained (hopefully) to improve my practice, and 3) it seems ridiculous NOT to be able to claim it as a legitimate expense when others would happily claim the cost of a tea bag if it was used during the course of a minding day...!
There also seems to be confusion about whether we can claim hours spent on necessary paperwork...can anyone please shed any light on this one?

Chatterbox Childcare
02-07-2014, 10:04 AM
I have always been told no. Call the HMRC or your accountant for confirmation.