View Full Version : Activities for 10 and 12 year old.

18-05-2014, 02:52 PM
Hello everyone , am stuck for ideas for a 10 and 12 year old girl i look after. There getting bored very easy and need new ideas. I have hamma beads, the wii and bored games but dont know what else to provide them with. There ok up to a point and then become silly due to boredom. Any ideas? Thanks xx

18-05-2014, 05:42 PM
Rainbow loom is a big hit here, small elastic bands in bright colours to make bracelets .. Usually cheap in the pound shops etc

Anything arty or crafty, mosaic sets,
Clay / pottery, paint by numbers

Time on computer .. Websites like mine craft. Blockheads. Moshi monsters

19-05-2014, 06:41 AM
I have that problem to. Some of mine have been with me since 2 yrs and art craft, hama beads etc they now find boring. cooking is a big hit but I am not doing that every time they are here which is 3 days.

19-05-2014, 05:26 PM
Jewellery making?
Fashion design? Bits of fabric to create a great outfit on a card template like the fashion designers use?

The argos and ikea catalogue/ magazines, colour charts, fabric samples- design a bedroom? Make a mood board.

Could they plan their sessions?

If they like cooking could they prepare for a special occasion, end of term, Friday: a bit like when you do food technology, give them a remit: plan a small party / a special dinner/ picnic for a 10 yr old, a12 year old and three 3 yr olds. The food has to have healthy options and be made from scratch etc.... They could spend time planning it, using cookbooks and internet, doing a survey of likes and dislikes, to be put into action when you know you have time.

Dancing! Make up a special dance to perform at the end of the week to a favourite song- that used to keep my year 6's occupied at wet plays forever.

Good luck.