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View Full Version : at wits end with a 2 year old

17-04-2014, 10:07 AM
I have this little girl for a year she is 2 next week. She is getting more and more harder to deal with. If some one looks at her and she doesn't like it she screams. If she doesn't like something or wants something or doesn't want something she screams. She insists my dd picks her up then screams. It's a high pitched squeal and going right through me. She hits out now and pushes every one.
Final straw came yesterday when I took her and another 2 yo to the supermarket. She squealed in temper and hit the other child. I put my hand on hers to stop her hitting the other one and since I had her hand blocked she head butted the other child and hit me. I told her I was not taking this nonsense and let the other children out if the trolley to walk with me. Screamed all through the shop but I mostly ignored it and didn't give in.
Told mum at collection we needed to tackle this temper head on as it leaves me unable to go out during the day. I told her I was being very strict and every time she hit or squealed I was putting her into high chair she agreed to do the same but ant advice would be welcome

17-04-2014, 02:30 PM
Has she always behaved like this or is this new or a phase do you think?

17-04-2014, 02:33 PM
Not a new phase... but was not as bad until last four or five of months. I have taken on new children 2 months ago but I always had her out at my sisters creche friends house with their children and out and about mum hates taking her out shopping too as she screams the place down too

17-04-2014, 02:38 PM
I looked after a child like this who did high pitched screaming, was very bright and could communicate well but did this screaming and temper tantrums, would lash out, final straw was when he bit my daughter. I tried everything, had a meeting with parents and advised that we needed to agree a plan of action, got them to sign notes from meeting, reported back every few weeks, there was not much improvement. I was doing my level 3 at the time and he was doing it when my assessor came round and she outlined that she felt this was becoming a safeguarding issue for the other children, they should not have to put up with it and for him to be in this environment where it was possible he needed one to one at home etc. In the end I had no choice but to give notice after a year of struggling.......I have since heard 2 years on that the nursery he went to have also given notice......sometimes children don't fit with a group setting because of whatever reason and for their sake they need to be cared for by a parent on a one to one to sort out whatever problems there are.......you have my sympathies it is awful xxx

17-04-2014, 02:47 PM
Poor mum a single parent so needs to work her parents share the rest of the care I only have her 3 days a week. They have a disabled son who needs 24 hour care so can't do much more baby sitting wise. Mother says she is on board with what ever I decide to do... since I'm only implementing my new bad cop routine I'm going to give it a month and then discuss it again with mum. Just wonder how every one else deals . with these situations