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15-04-2014, 08:20 PM
I have been childminding since October. I have a daughter who is 21 months old. Up to Christmas she enjoyed having children around and was quite happy sharing her mummy with other children :)
But just after Christmas she became very shy and went through separation anxiety. She is a bit better now but recently she started biting. She has bitten one of the children 4 times ( a little boy who is 16 months old). Also she started having awful tantrums. I really can't get my head around it. She used to be a very calm and happy baby. Don't really know what's going on. She is teething at the moment -canine teeth :(
Can anyone give some advice please? Don't really know how to deal with this anymore :(

15-04-2014, 08:29 PM
This is 100 percent NOT Ofsted approved but here goes !!
My Daughter - who is 9 now and a truly lovely girl - went through a biting stage too at the same age as your Daughter. Bit other kids, bit me, bit her Childminder.
One day she bit me and I bit her back. She screamed her head off and I said to her " that's what it feels like when YOU bite!"
She never did it again !

15-04-2014, 08:38 PM
i personally wouldnt go down the biting her road, could have repercussions regarding your suitability etc, i dont think there is much you can do apart from shadowing her, if you leave the room make her go with you etc, some kids just go through this but unfortunately it makes it a bit worse because its your own child but could just as easily be the other way around with her being repeatedly bitten! they all stop themselves and luckily doesnt normally last too long! just watch for any triggers and if its the same child shes biting all the time try to maybe keep them apart a little

jackie 7
15-04-2014, 08:51 PM
Karen I know how you feel! I nannied for a nog who big everyone. One day he drew blood. It was 25+ years ago and I bit him on his bottom. Told mum who was cool about it and hd never did it again. Ok now I wouldn't. Ever ever. But what I would do is be very firm. A loud no. Tantrums, I don't have time for them. Have your tantrum sheer you don't bother anyone else. At her age all of this is do very normal and common. Read making the terrible twos terrific as recccomended by murph. Oh yes good luck.

15-04-2014, 08:57 PM
Ha ha I wouldn't dream of doing it now I am a childminder and have been Ofsteded up from my head to my toes !!
Was very effective though !!!
I do remember my Childminder at the time talking to me and asking what I thought she should do .... This was before I bit her myself ..... " bite her back !" I said ...... She was horrified !!!!!!