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View Full Version : How to solve my problem with steps in garden?

15-04-2014, 07:19 PM
I have a small patio area, then steps leading up to the main grassed area.

When the littlies go down the steps they sometimes scrape the backs of their legs on the steps leaving them a little bit scraped, and last summer one scraped the front of his legs when crawling up the steps (with help).

I need the children to be able to go up and down the steps without hurting themselves, how can I make them safe? I don't mean for very little ones as I'll obviously be right with them, but the 3 year olds who can manage the steps alone - there is only 4 steps. I can't have them keep on scraping themselves.

I need a kind of safety surface, like in parks, but a google hasn't helped me find a solution. Does anyone have this problem with steps?

15-04-2014, 07:42 PM
It sounds crazy but have you thought of calling a roofer ?!
My brother is a roofer and does flat roofs.
He boards the roofs then applies a rubber sheeting - the same could be done with your steps- may be slippery in wet weather but probably much safer in dry weather - and you probably don't have the LOs out in the rain anyway.
Perhaps worth a call to a local roofer to get a quote ? Wouldn't imagine it would cost too much.
Hope this helps !

15-04-2014, 07:43 PM
Long trousers?

watford wizz
15-04-2014, 07:51 PM
I have brick steps but just make sure they wear long trousers x

16-04-2014, 07:24 AM
What about carpet? Like the green grass like stuff you used to get at green grocers.

16-04-2014, 07:48 AM
You can get rubber tiles that they put in play parks made spec for steps

16-04-2014, 08:20 AM
1. Remove lawn.

2. Replace with ball pool.

3. Sit back with glass of vino and watch children bypass steps altogether, throwing themselves directly into ball pool like mad things. Job's a good 'un.




4. Think, "wait a mo, that looks like fun."

5. Put down glass of vino.

6. Join in.

7. Discover meaning of 'job satisfaction'. :D :clapping: :clapping: :D