View Full Version : The children haven't made those bonnets!

03-04-2014, 06:16 AM
Going to my DDs Easter bonnet parade today, but having seen the bonnets on show I can say the children have had very little input! It makes me a little mad that the parade is more about how creative a child's parents are! Rant over :-)

03-04-2014, 06:38 AM
Our local school stopped doing it a few years back - some parents were getting them professionally made!!!!!:eek:

03-04-2014, 06:38 AM
Yes I really hate that! There used to be a Christmas decoration competition in our old school and I always (as the rules said!) tried to let the girls do most of it themselves., but their creations always ended up looking amateur because the others were obviously done by the parents.; they were far beyond the abilities of primary school children., and guess who won?! Huh!

03-04-2014, 06:39 AM
Totally agree and also shocked by the comments on Facebook the night before with some parent saying THEY were still making it at gone midnight etc! My ds hates craft so I gave him a sheet of Easter stickers, he stuck them on a bucket and wore that on his head!

03-04-2014, 06:39 AM
Our local school stopped doing it a few years back - some parents were getting them professionally made!!!!!:eek:

You are kidding me!!

03-04-2014, 07:22 AM
Takes away the joining in and excitement

It's cheating !!!

Not good

Angel xx

03-04-2014, 07:38 AM
Totally agree and also shocked by the comments on Facebook the night before with some parent saying THEY were still making it at gone midnight etc! My ds hates craft so I gave him a sheet of Easter stickers, he stuck them on a bucket and wore that on his head!

I love that!

Our old school had an easter bonnet comp ... ds knitted a yellow beanie hat ( with a little help ) but he did most of it ... As evidenced by the holes :-) and made a pom pom chicks head for the top. But the hats I saw and heard about at least 60% had been made by the parents.
Our current school has assorted comps over the year but they can tell the adult entries and they don't get placed. Although they have started having an adult comp as well!!!

chris goodyear
03-04-2014, 07:43 AM
Don't get me started!!! Years ago our school stopped doing Easter bonnet competitions because of the same reasons but now we have 'decorate an egg' competition and guess what - the parents make most of them! I said to my daughter ( who now has her own children at the school) what everyone should do is if the adult efforts win - COMPLAIN to the PTA. I'm all for helping the little ones or who are just not creative but come on parents, how do you think when the children who have made their own never win and also feel as though their's is not good enough? My 7 year old granddaughter has just gone off to school with her creation which is good for a 7 year old and quite creative but she won't win. Of course me and her mum and dad have praised her efforts big time and hopefully she won't see all the adult made creations!! Grrrr!!:angry:

03-04-2014, 08:23 AM
OK, I will hold my hand up & admit to being completely competitive when it comes to school competitions :blush:

I have never actually made the entries, but I do tend to come up with the ideas. And of course, having a childminder as a mum means my children always had access to the biggest range of craft resources ever. Some kids struggle to find paper and a pencil at home, but mine have free access to sequins, glue, glitter, ribbons, paper & card in every colour imaginable - you name it, we've probably got it.

Their entries always look as if they have been made by the child (because they have), but the ideas behind them are pretty inspired, even if I do say so myself :laughing:

DD won a competition by using real twigs to create a bonfire picture and DS won an easter egg competition in Sainsburys by using real crushed egg shells to decorate his egg picture. And they have won endless colouring competitions by adding glitter & sequins - there's a hint for you, no matter how well a picture is coloured, glitter & sequins always make it stand out a bit more ;):laughing:

It's not just that I am competitive, I like to make things. When my older children had to make giant sweets for an art project at senior school, they really weren't interested, so I made them. I have to say, they were fantastic. So good in fact that they went on display in the school hall :blush::p:ROFL1:

03-04-2014, 08:35 AM
I love that!

Our old school had an easter bonnet comp ... ds knitted a yellow beanie hat ( with a little help ) but he did most of it ... As evidenced by the holes :-) and made a pom pom chicks head for the top. But the hats I saw and heard about at least 60% had been made by the parents.
Our current school has assorted comps over the year but they can tell the adult entries and they don't get placed. Although they have started having an adult comp as well!!!

thats really funny!!

03-04-2014, 10:04 AM
OK, I will hold my hand up & admit to being completely competitive when it comes to school competitions :blush:

I have never actually made the entries, but I do tend to come up with the ideas. And of course, having a childminder as a mum means my children always had access to the biggest range of craft resources ever. Some kids struggle to find paper and a pencil at home, but mine have free access to sequins, glue, glitter, ribbons, paper & card in every colour imaginable - you name it, we've probably got it.

Their entries always look as if they have been made by the child (because they have), but the ideas behind them are pretty inspired, even if I do say so myself :laughing:

DD won a competition by using real twigs to create a bonfire picture and DS won an easter egg competition in Sainsburys by using real crushed egg shells to decorate his egg picture. And they have won endless colouring competitions by adding glitter & sequins - there's a hint for you, no matter how well a picture is coloured, glitter & sequins always make it stand out a bit more ;):laughing:

It's not just that I am competitive, I like to make things. When my older children had to make giant sweets for an art project at senior school, they really weren't interested, so I made them. I have to say, they were fantastic. So good in fact that they went on display in the school hall :blush::p:ROFL1:

My dd got told off once for doing too much on her pictures for homework. She would add glitter lolly pop sticks sequins etc... she was only about 7 and had raided the craft box. She was so proud of it and teacher wrote a comment lovely X but not so much detail needed. Must admit I was cross

03-04-2014, 10:12 AM
You are kidding me!!

Nope - very competitive here :(. Local family centre had a competition for the children to design a new logo - some of the 2 year olds logos were amazing:rolleyes:

03-04-2014, 10:36 AM
It truly bugs me that parents have so much involvement with these things and also their homework!
I have seen so many fabulous creations at our school, most of which have clearly been done with more than a helping hand from an adult. My DD is encouraged to do her own work using her own skills, we have a design an egg competition, I am very proud of her creation this year (with just the tiniest bit of help when she didn't have enough hands) and think she has done an egg-cellent job but I will be very surprised if she wins because it's always the adult ones that win (which surprises me because it is blatantly obvious and surely the teachers can see through it?!)

03-04-2014, 10:37 AM
Dd's creation for the egg competition, with her own fair hands!

03-04-2014, 10:47 AM
Dd's creation for the egg competition, with her own fair hands!

very good.

well done your dd xx

03-04-2014, 11:35 AM
Ah that's Brill!! Well done to your dd

03-04-2014, 04:55 PM
I do like looking for inspiration and trying to create something different / fun but I find things I know my DD can get involved in and do the majority of it herself. Anyway the results are in, parents win arghhh!!

chris goodyear
03-04-2014, 05:39 PM
Nothing wrong in helping children with ideas but hands off mums and dads!

03-04-2014, 05:52 PM
My granddaughter won a school competition as the person who had been invited to judge said it was obvious she had lots of fun making it. All her own work and ideas-my daughter said hers was the work of a five year old not an adult. Such a shame the rest of the kids didn't get to have fun too

03-04-2014, 06:26 PM
Good Judge :-)

03-04-2014, 06:29 PM
Nearly 30 years ago my eldest won the easter hat competition by just painting a crown blue and green for a spring country scene, adding cooton wool sheep and a sunshine, his own idea, he was and is still quite creative.
With that winning formula in the family, he recreated it every year, sometimes winning a runners up prize, then his younger brother did the same design, no angst, just mainly paint and an easy boys hat.
I wonder if anyone noticed at school?!

03-04-2014, 07:49 PM
My DS have egg decoration comp - they didn't like my suggestion of

Thor eggs ( 4 eggs with Thor next to em)

I wished the sch had a parent comp

They did there own creations

The Stegg ( the stig)

Gregg the grumpy egg ( DH idea for younger DS ) who thought this was hilarious and made a very grump looking face...

I don't get it really and thought my Thor eggs was much better ;-))

You can so see the parent made one esp in the younger yr groups --- im hoping these parents will learn in time

04-04-2014, 08:18 AM
Another CM did a craft which was a chick on a plate with googly eyes. They were brilliant as the kids just placed the eyes, legs and beaks anywhere and they looked hilarious in a grotesque kind of way. But you knew the kids had made them and they were proud of them :thumbsup: :D

04-04-2014, 01:42 PM
DS had his parade this morning and it looked as though parents made 90% of the hats, how sad.

04-04-2014, 03:41 PM
I made DS's bonnet but to be honest all he wanted was s couple of bunny ears on a strip of card around his head. He didn't want to help so I did it. This was my 6th and final parade and after years of child led creations coming nowhere I really couldn't give a flying fig.

The winners of this years competition was a hat clearly not made by the two year old wearing it and a full on costume!!!! DS loved his ears and I also popped a tail on the back and I'm sooo glad I won't be having to make another one.

04-04-2014, 04:47 PM
DS had his parade this morning and it looked as though parents made 90% of the hats, how sad.

It's turned into a competition for the parents :(

04-04-2014, 05:43 PM
Opps says the mum who is hand sewing some flowers because dd wanted homemade flowers for her hat :D