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View Full Version : mindees starting school 2015

02-04-2014, 07:28 AM
I have just realised that 2 of my mindees will be starting school in sept 2015. I'm going to really struggle to fill their places as the schooloes I have at the moment will all still be under 8! This means I will only be able to take on under 5 children who need less than school hours and term time only. Obviously this is only going to be a problem if the children stay with me until school age.
I'm not quite sure how I'll manage to sustain my business :(
Feeling a bit rubbish about the future of my business at the moment.

02-04-2014, 07:57 AM
A lot can happen in 17 months - don't panic just yet :thumbsup:

02-04-2014, 08:18 AM
I know it's a long time off and I could either lose one of my under 5s or the older ones may stop coming to me. Anything could happen between now and then!
It just suddenly came to me that if nothing changed I could be in a really bad position financially :(

02-04-2014, 08:24 AM
I know it's a long time off and I could either lose one of my under 5s or the older ones may stop coming to me. Anything could happen between now and then! It just suddenly came to me that if nothing changed I could be in a really bad position financially :(
Just have to hope some of your other schoolies move on in meantime.. I was full in November and am losing four of my six mindees.. Four mums are pregnant! And one went back to France. The only two who are staying is one ad hoc six hours a week and one who is probably moving out of area but If not I will gain baby too.! This is what I hate about this job the uncertainty! I have seen loads of people about spaces but can't seem to get anyone to sign up everything I touch turns to dust at mo, usually ok problem selling spaces!!

02-04-2014, 08:26 AM
I think of the under 5's and the school aged children as two different parts of my business. I have two spaces for under 5's (the 3rd space is taken up by my 23 month old) and I have 3 school age spaces. Obviously, it's never black and white but you can just tell the parents that you don't have enough before and after school spaces from Sept '15 as you need to make sure your under 5's spaces are filled as that's what makes your business viable.

As I've learnt very quickly and what someone has already said, it's a long way off and things change.

02-04-2014, 08:33 AM
Like Kiddleywinks says, a lot can happen in that time, but at least you have plenty of time to prepare for it.

There are lots of possibilities - a child may leave, parents may change work hours and not need you for after school care, anything really.

Even if nothing changes there are still possibilities. Could you look at taking on an assistant?

I think it is a shock when you suddenly realise how precarious your business can be, but once the panic settles a bit you'll hopefully realise that there are ways forward :thumbsup:

02-04-2014, 08:45 AM
I have stopped doing BS/AS because of this reason. My business is my EY's children now. I only have one schoolie left but she is almost 9 so doesn't count in my numbers anyway. I do have to go to school for my own children but I won't take on anymore schoolies. Our school has a BS/AS club so I don't feel too guilty as parents have the option of using that. I do have adhoc school children during inset days and some holidays but only if they will fit around my usual EY's children (shift parents).


02-04-2014, 09:08 AM
I am in the same situation. I will lose all three of my under 5s in Sept 2015. Two live out of area so going to school elsewhere one will want after school 3 days a week. I am staying positive a lot can happen before then. No children about here, lowest birth rate in the area. Hoping for a baby boom.lol

02-04-2014, 09:33 AM
I haven't taken on any after schoolers since Oct because I realised all of my LOs start school by Sept 2015 and I didn't want to have to give notice. Since then I have had a baby start a couple of days. Luckily they are spaced out - one starts easter this year, one turns 5 in July (not in school and am in Wales not under EYFS), One starts Jan, one starts next easter and the last start sept 2015 - which will give me a chance to fill spaces gradually. I already have 2x4 year olds in fulltime school as well so they will be 6 when youngest starts sept 2015. Friday is my trouble spot as I have 5 that day already will be 6 after easter when the LO starts school as his space is booked by one that I already look after so in 18 months I will be full of schoolies only that day.

However I have a sneaking suspicion the LO that starts easter 2015 will be going to a different school that I don't collect from. In Wales children of 3&4 in fulltime school count as over 5s, they start at the local schools the term before their 4th birthday so they are classed as 5-8 years for up to 4 1/3 years!

02-04-2014, 10:02 AM
Mine will all be gone then, I am considering giving up as my son will be 12 then too