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View Full Version : Medication form

26-03-2014, 02:12 PM
Afternoon :D

I have a 4yr old who recently has to have 2tsps of fibre supplement in some juice at lunchtime. Mum filled out a medication form but now she will be having this every time she comes which is 2 days a week.
I usually fill out a 'medication taken' form twice (1 for me and 1 for parent to take home) but being that its not really a medication do you think I need to keep doing this everyday? I've filled out 4 copies over 2 days and I've had enough already....

I obviously always do it for medication such as antibiotics, calpol, nurofen, creams applied etc but being that this is going to go on until July, do I really need to be filling out these forms every time?
Do you think parents need a copy of the form or could I just write that she's had this fibre supplement in her diary?

Any suggestions appreciated :D

26-03-2014, 02:28 PM
could you amend your current form for ongoing medications? that would then cover you if Ofsted deem it required and you also have the peace of mind of having it in writing.

It may well be a scenario with a child you care for in the future such as an asthmatic etc so always good to have it as a back up.

26-03-2014, 02:34 PM
Thanks, :D
The form that Mum filled out yesterday is an ongoing medication form. It tells me how much to give and when etc.

But whenever she takes the supplement (at lunchtime, 2 days a week) I fill out 1 form for my file. Then I duplicate it and put the copy in the child's diary, so basically every time a child takes any medication I fill out a form twice.

Is there an easier way? I'm a bit dim sometimes :D

26-03-2014, 02:36 PM
Could you just create a spreadsheet on the pc then? then print it out monthly or less frequently? so long as it is stored safely Im sure that would be fine?

maybe check with a pharmacist if it is classed as a med and go from there though before too much work x

edited to say im sure you arent dumb, your creative flow is used up with your planning etc x

26-03-2014, 10:03 PM
i had a child that needed ongoing stuff like this so i got mum to sign a letter detailing when it was to be given and how often and that treatment was to continue until told otherwise by parents. just became routine and didnt have to worrry about paperwork eveyday