View Full Version : Advice please...

16-03-2014, 08:21 PM
So, after what seemed like eternity I am now fully registered and raring to go! Yay! Although then a bit of a spanner was thrown in the works ... I found out I was pregnant!! Very happy but just not the most ideal timing. As of yet I haven't got any mindees (have had lots of enquires and have been very open with the situation as I would never take someone on to turn around and tell them it was only for short term). I'm due in September so what I am thinking/hoping to do is offer short term contracts and to people who need very flexible childcare. At the moment my hubby and I have done our sums and we really just need a bit of income to get by so I'm thinking of offering care to people who do shifts and can't be given set days each week. Also to people who have partners who work offshore and maybe only need so many weeks of childcare and then nothing for a few weeks. Does this seem logical to you guys? All opinions/advice are welcome - also please tell me if Im overlooking anything that would be a massive problem (obviously I know going down the no set days root throws up some issues). I've been reading up on the pay as you go type minding and not sure I'd want to go down that route but not ruling it out as just now I'd really just like to get started and have some income before baby is born.

Oh also, do I need to inform anyone like the care inspectorate that Im pregnant?

Thanks in advance


16-03-2014, 10:04 PM
Hi heather

Congratulations on becoming registered and being pregnant!

Don't have much advise on the rest I am afraid although I know shift workers struggle to find care so if you do find people in your area needing this they will he glad to find someone flexible. You may also get enquiries for people just needed care until their lo starts school in aug if your lucky too!

17-03-2014, 09:51 AM
Sounds like a good idea, gets you some references for after your maternity leave. One thing I would do though is payment on booking and no refunds unless you are unable to work

17-03-2014, 10:27 AM
I would probably make it clear to all parents that this arrangement is only until baby is born (unless you like the way it works and want to carry on).

I'd make sure to take payment in advance for all booked hours.

17-03-2014, 10:41 AM
Thanks for the replies, payment upon booking is def a great idea (and one I hadn't even thought of). I will absolutely make it clear that this is only until the baby is born - although if it works well and there is demand then it may be the way to go. Thanks everyone, if you have any more thoughts on it let me know - I am open to all ideas & opinions.