View Full Version : preparing for your registration vist

16-03-2014, 10:41 AM
hi am filling in my preparing for registration booklet and wanted to ask a question about how to get parents involved and what will you share with them just looking for ideas thank you :)

Elkie Mawdsley
16-03-2014, 03:58 PM
I'm in the process of completing my booklet too!

New to all this, so experienced cms might have better ideas, but here goes...

I plan to involve parents by providing an 'about my day' book at the end of each session which will give info on the days activities, any development milestones, food, naps etc. What the lo enjoyed etc.

This book will have a section for the parents to note any obs they make of child's development at home and any new likes etc.

I will also speak to parents on collection - but the book is a back up as they will probably be in a hurry.

Bi monthly sessions with parents to discuss progress and how they can also support at home - discuss ideas for next steps etc.

At initial meeting, asking parents to provide info o childs likes so I can ise those in planning etc.

Hope this helps

16-03-2014, 09:10 PM
Thank you very much :)