View Full Version : Valentines Day what have you got planned?

13-02-2014, 08:08 PM
Well here in the Fussyelmo we are hoping for snow. Lots of it and we will go sledging. Hot food and maybe a superhero movie.

Bunyip I hope my flower delivery is better than last years :D

13-02-2014, 08:33 PM
What standard was last years?

My dh said "I suppose we could go out for lunch tomorrow". Odd, but I'm not that keen?!

No chance of snow here, so probably swimming, hot chocolate and "Epic"

13-02-2014, 08:45 PM
Lol...my mum is coming to stay for the weekend and offered to babysit so we could go out ...

But ... dd needs picking up from a party, ds will be coming home late from basketball. Dh has an orchestra rehearsal and I need an early night as on an outdoor training course on sat!

So ... we're going out on saturday!

13-02-2014, 09:09 PM
I'm off tomorrow but dh has a full day of driving lessons and a 6.30 one too, so it will be the usual wine when he comes in at 8 and that's it, to be honest valentines day is just a normal day in out house think we know we love each other after nearly 32 year married :D

13-02-2014, 09:29 PM
37 years together and never once a card..
One day.....??!

14-02-2014, 09:51 AM
We're having a nice dinner at home tonight - DH is cooking ribeye steaks, bearnaise, hm wedges and some kind of veg. Bottle of bubbly is chilling in the fridge and a bottle of nice red waiting to go with the steak.

We've never done cards or gifts but DH presented me with a card this morning. Now I feel really bad because I haven't bought him one!

Today is also my mums birthday and my SIL's so we usually have enough expense! SIL is 40 so an extra whammy

14-02-2014, 10:02 AM
I had my voucher from oh today for a facial at local spa so I quickly booked in for tomorrow:thumbsup:
Cooking for oh when he gets in from work but he doesn't finish until 8 so me and dd are going to have a girls night when I finish at 5.30 she's picked a film (Tangled) and I plan to paint our nails and eat ice cream :jump for joy:
Hope every one else has a lovely day xx

Tippy Toes
14-02-2014, 10:43 AM
hubby is going to cook me a nice meal when he gets home from work this evening, which will make a nice change!
