View Full Version : Only registered for 6 children under 16 rather than 6 children under 12??Help please.

08-02-2014, 11:14 AM
Does anyone know why some childminders (all within my local authority) are registered for 6 children under 16 inclusive of own children and others are 6 children under 12, inclusive of own children.

I was registered 29th November and just presumed it was for 6 children under 12. Yesterday, I actually stood and read it and it is 6 children under 16. This has a huge impact on me as I have 4 children of my own. My eldest turning 12 in a couple of months. This was I presumed going to give me a bit more flexibility ie. I could take an after school child a couple of days a week.

I thought maybe it went on floor space/house size. I have just checked out alot of childminders local to me, some of whom have smaller houses, not much smaller, and some are registered for 6 under 12 and others 6 under 16.

I wouldn't want to be minding 3 children everyday of the week but in order to get one parent I have said I can mind wee one and big sister after school. I can't do that now. As can't afford for big sister to be taking a pre schoolers place.

Is this a new Care Inspectorate policy the "6 under 16"?

Thank you

08-02-2014, 12:05 PM
It's always been 6 under 16 as far as I know, I was registered in 2005 and my certificate states no more than 6 under 16 of whom no more than 6 can be under the age of 12, 3 under school age, and 1 under the age of one x

13-02-2014, 06:08 PM
Hi there,

I wish I knew the answer. Your thread made me question this, like you my reg cert says I have the same as you 6 under 16. I did a google search. The care standards on SCSWIS pdf that came up in a search say

copied & pasted - The National Care Standards say that for childminding: • there should be no more than six children under the age of 12.

Funny though because I know of a minder who has 8 under 16. This is not a special variation, she was given this when she registered as a childminder. This friend was inspected last year and it was not changed. So it can't be a new policy methinks? I'd suggest you apply for a variation, where we live 50% of childminders have variations to be over this 6 under 16.

Interesting irregularities :rolleyes: from SCSWIS :confused:

15-02-2014, 01:24 PM
Thanks for the answers ladies.

A childminder I know said I have to apply to my local council for planning permission (or some sort of permission) before the Care Inspectorate will agree to a variation?? She said this costs £450 or £480.

I might consider it once my youngest goes to school.

I just presumed I would be allowed 3 minded children a day once my eldest was 12 (which she nearly is). Now I will only earn £6 an hour because I can only take 2 minded children. If I had realised this I'm not sure I would have registered. I'm in too deep now to turn back and think it will be a job I will enjoy so I'll give it a go.

I wouldn't want to mind 3 children everyday. It would have just given me th opportunity of maybe taking on a sibling of a wee one for after school twice a week. Now I can't do that.

I will stop my moaning. At the moment I will be lucky to get 2 minded children a day (really struggling at the minute).

15-02-2014, 02:54 PM
Hi again

I just wanted to say in Scotland there is no cost for a variation - it's a 5 min application using the SCSWIS e-forms - then you get sent a sort of grid sheet of who will be using the service - again only takes 5 minutes. I'm in the process of applying for a variation. This then goes to a panel (which don't at the moment meet very often) who make the decision. That's the only permission you need :)
I also believe that if for example, you were asked by a friend to look after their child for temporary short term care then you just call your C.Inspectorate Officer and they will approve it as an emergency variation

Try not to be overwhelmed it's not too bad once you get your head around the SCSWIS lingo ;)
(acht we all need a moan - and BTW I moan about the inconsistencies between inspectors and inspections/authorities)

little chickee
15-02-2014, 02:59 PM
I'm in Scotland and been cm for 7 years. As far as im aware its always been 6 under 16.
When i register my details with my local authority i state that i only mind up to the age of 12, as I don't want to mind high school age kids.
Maybe this is the confusion.

little chickee
15-02-2014, 03:05 PM
You can have 3 under the age of 5. Only 1 can be under 1.
You can then have 3 over 5's.

Taking on an afterschooler will not affect your 3 under school age places. You can still have 3 full time under 5's and 3 over.

Sorry just read you have 4 of your own - do as above suggestion and apply for variation which is indeed free.

15-02-2014, 04:38 PM
Thanks again everyone.

I am definately trying to run before I'm even walking here. I only have one mindee at the minute and been trying for 2 months now to get another mindee. Maybe if I ever actually get 2 mindee's I will apply for a variation. GReat news that it is a simple process!. Thanks again everyone.