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28-01-2014, 01:33 PM
How did you come up with your childminding business name (to go on documentation etc).

I liked the idea of little butterflies but there is one near me already. I'd love to have butterflies in the somehow as they have a meaning in our family. But I can't think what with lol. Thanks xx

28-01-2014, 01:47 PM
my business name is a mixture of my children names.

how about
butterfly explorers
baby butterflies
butterfly childminding
sorry im really bad at this lol

Ja-Lula-Belli Childminding

28-01-2014, 01:52 PM

29-01-2014, 03:55 PM

Oh I love this thank you :D xx

29-01-2014, 04:33 PM
Mine is a mixture of where I live and my name originally done because my sister has the same name as me and it was so our parents knew which family was which!!!

29-01-2014, 06:35 PM
I thought of 2, but my DO advised against them: 'Little Satans' and 'Bunyips Revolutionary Childcare Syndicate'.

Hence, I just use my name. :D

29-01-2014, 07:31 PM
There is one disadvantage in having a business name. I have one which involves my name. I do get a lot of cold calling from businesses trying to sell me card machines, business phone lines, utilities mobile contracts PAC testing , advertising on doctors appointment cards and charities asking for donations etc. they soon hang up when I explain I am a childminder.

jackie 7
29-01-2014, 08:13 PM
Bunyip. Yes I love little dates. We called a cat sate s little helper but had to call him sateen to neighbours. At the moment due to a tough day it would be winos