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View Full Version : 19 month lo has arrived with temperature

28-01-2014, 07:31 AM
He is very red faced & glassy eyed & very whingy.

i noticed his cheeks when he arrived & mum said he was a little warm & whiny, she was running late so made a quick exit.

i took his temp & it is 38.

how does this work as a temp is not an excludable illness, but i have a 18 month dd who has medical probs which mean if she gets temp she is quite poorly & i will have to close

do I monitor it for the next couple of hours & see how it goes?

28-01-2014, 08:03 AM
Sounds ill to me, and the temp confirms it. I would send home. You might want to write into your sickness policy that you will send home with a temperature. Particularly with your LOs circumstances (though I wouldn't write that in the policy).

28-01-2014, 08:07 AM
I would send home too. U think a poorly child needs to be at home plus theres the other lo to think about. X

28-01-2014, 08:12 AM
Thanks, I have to do school run in a minute & mum works in London so will check the temp again when in back & if no improvement I'll contact mum

28-01-2014, 10:22 AM
I exclude for high temp, as I've posted on previous threads I've experienced with my own children going down hill so quickly after only just having a high temp and have almost ended up in hospital. A high temp is the bodies reaction to fighting an illness. A temp of over 37.5 in children is considered a fever according to nhs website so if a child has a temp over 37.5 in my house they go home.

28-01-2014, 11:08 AM
Lo is still here at the mo as temp is slowly dropping, 9am: 37.8 & 10.30am: 37.2
hes sleeping now so will keep checking and if it goes back up mum has said she will come & get him

28-01-2014, 11:39 AM
I've go one who arrived today similar story. Calpol and nurofen in bag note saying has had a temp on and off and when last given both. Does not have a temp don't like giving either without reason but have given calpol at 9.45 has been crying constantly since 9.45. I have sent a message to both parents saying will give nurofen at 11.45 but if still crying come 12.45 will need to collect as obviously unwell and upsetting the other children.

Well I've sent the text asking that he is picked up as still crying now at 12.40. I have asked that he is picked up no later than 2.15 I have another child crying just because he is so I am having it in stereo so not happy.

28-01-2014, 01:23 PM
Poor little pickle sleep has not helped, temp back up to 38.2 & very bunged up/glassy eyed.
phone call to mum it is :0(

28-01-2014, 01:42 PM
Well mine was finally picked up at 1.30. I'm hoping that parent understands where I was coming from as all three were crying when collected and had difficulty hearing me while signing medication records.

28-01-2014, 01:56 PM
I now cant get hold of mum & poor little thing is shivering :0(

28-01-2014, 02:08 PM
Oh dear. Emergency contact time!? If he is shivering he is poorly.

28-01-2014, 02:11 PM
Call emergency contacts, poor little mite x

28-01-2014, 06:58 PM
Lo was finally collected at 4:30, with a temp of 38.6!

thing is I've said no to tomorrow as cant risk my dd catching it with her condition but now feel bad as mum is getting an emergency nanny through work, so poor lo will be poorly & left with someone he doesn't know

I know i have to put my dd first but cant help feeling bad :0(

28-01-2014, 07:14 PM
4.30?!?!?! Poor lo. When little ones are ill they need to be at home. Hopefully they will be at home if its a nanny.
You have to look after your own children first. I think they ought to see the doctor with the child if doesnt improve tomorrow. Temps sometimes can be nothing but could be something nasty that may get worse without tmt.

28-01-2014, 08:40 PM
I too send home asap!!! Its states in my policy that if child has a temp they r to be collected and not to return until they have had a normal temp for 48 hours. I too have had bad experiences with children going down hill really quickly!!! My nephew would always have convulsions with his temp even if they were not reply high

28-01-2014, 09:00 PM
That parent needs to get her priorities right! :mad:

31-01-2014, 01:31 AM
Well in my case day after sending child home I got call from mom to complain about the her words the abruptness of my texts. I explained that I do not have time to exchange pleasentaries in texts when I have children crying all because of one child who was not well and had been upset for over 3 hours and not calming down. She then complained that within minutes if going into dads car and car seat stopped crying and did go to doctors who said why have you brought child only has a cough wasting surgery time. Dad did say to her that I had two others crying when picked up one was copying their child and the other I was in the middle of giving bottle and because I had to see them out was not happy about having to pause during a feed and he did say it must be difficult if all upset. She actually told me that is what I am paid for !

I feel awful now as parent of another child I look after has told me their child is very ill ( has a medical condition resulting in a low immune system which is why comes to me as I agreed to not attend groups for the 15 hours funded place and not allowed to attend a group setting.) he has come down with chest infection on Thursday. Poor little man has community nurses calling in on him twice daily.

31-01-2014, 07:51 AM
Lo came back yesterday, was fine in the morning but went downhill in the afternoon, temp went back up to 38.9!
& guess what? I've woke up this morning shivering, sweating, coughing, snotty.....
luckily i only have school run children today & then i can spend my weekend being ill!!

31-01-2014, 11:32 AM
Lucky you! (Sarcastic tone used..)

Children being ill is a bone of contention. At what stage is a child ill. When is that satisfactory to parents as a genuine illness was as a reason to be called out if work. It can be subjective - although shouldn't be!

Parents should respect that we have the children's best interests at heart. If children aren't well they should be at home. If a child went downhill quickly and needed more serious intervention then parents might ask why we didn't call them earlier.

Parents do have pressure to work, but so do the other parents and if the other children at setting ear poorly as result if other children that impacts others. They must think of their children first.

Ice had recent experience of this - poor 11 m old tonsillitis high temp. Parent took 4 hours to collect. Felt quite used actually. Was a bad moment and felt so responsible if others were poorly as result.
Decided to update my illness policy to be very clear but feel when children in this family are ill parent will try to send again.