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View Full Version : feeling poorly :-(

26-01-2014, 09:09 PM
Oh my I have the first cold of the year! I very rarely get ill but I am really feeling sorry for myself with a cold, blocked nose and tight chest!

I just want to snuggle up and cry.....

No point to post really just feeling rough

Mrs Scrubbit
26-01-2014, 09:42 PM
Hope you soon feel better, nothing worse than a blocked up nose. Have to say that I think I'm heading towards my first cold of the winter too as I have been sneezing all day and now have a slightly sore throat...........hate, hate,hate having colds, haven't had one for a couple of years now as none of the children were attending pre-schools but one has just started and has had several colds , one after the other so I should have seen it coming :panic: xx

26-01-2014, 11:02 PM
Oh no! Poor you! Can you have an easy day tomorrow? Independent play for the LOs! Hope you feel better v soon.

27-01-2014, 10:21 AM
Snap! Cold and sore throat, body aches uuggghhhhhhh

And I have the privilege of having another child with a cold and another who is teething..:panic:

Dose up on some Day Nurse, it's brilliant

mrs robbie williams
27-01-2014, 12:14 PM
Same here dh has had man flu and ds caught it he was rough for four days but back to school today and now I keep sneezing and feel achy :( only one 2y today and off tomoro so hopefully it won't last hope u feel better soon xx