View Full Version : All about me 12 month old

04-01-2014, 02:26 PM
Hey guys I am doing a theme this month "all about me" and would like to put a little book together for mindees to take home & then do another next year to see how things have changed/developed.

I have a 1 year old & have a few ideas-handprints, footprints etc was going to put pics of things she likes to do/play with now. But don't want it to be too much like her learning journey.

Wondered if anyone had any ideas of more I can do in relation to this theme? x

blue bear
04-01-2014, 03:49 PM
Photos from home, family tree, photos of their home, daddies car wtc (mine love looking back at the cars they had etc)
Height weight,centimetres around tummy
Favourite foods
Thing they like don't like
Places you take them

04-01-2014, 06:02 PM
A good way to show their height is to measure them and cut a piece of string that length.
Then make a little pocket on one page of the book to put it in. Children like to be able to see how tall they were.

04-01-2014, 06:22 PM
I drew round mine. They laid on their back on some old wallpaper taped to the kitchen floor (the paper not the children lol). I did it with another cm incase they wriggled but they kept so still!! Even the 13mth old. I went over outline with a coloured crayon and they painted it with pale pink paint. They named or pointed at body parts (arms feet etc). Round the edge was their name, the date, their age and thier height. Oh and they did their hand and footprints on it to.
I have done this with all the children i have ever looked after. Its a good way of showing them how much they've grown especially if they remember doing the activity.