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View Full Version : First non payment

13-12-2013, 08:11 AM
Sent invoice few days before end of last month. Normally give people a week to pay. Parent has always waiting until the last minute to pay or has gone over the week slightly but not enough to worry. I now still haven't received payment. I messages parents as a reminder and my response was she's doing her best. She's a single parent recently and struggling. What should I do?

Parent is an old friend which doesn't help and makes it difficult. If I charge late fees it's not exactly going to help matters as if she doesn't have it she doesn't have it. Would feel really guilty if I refused care and again this wouldn't help matters as she couldn't go to work. Only mum is on the contract so can't hold dad responsible either.

What should I do?

13-12-2013, 08:15 AM
The bottom line is you are not a charity. She knew the contract terms when signing. She shouldn't be using your services if she can't afford to pay you. The later she pays you the closer she is to the next invoice!

13-12-2013, 08:20 AM
Can't you explain to her that you have bills to pay too? She might be trying her best but for all she knows you might have a mortgage/rent bill to pay which could go into arrears without her payment?

Say that you'd normally charge late fees but understand her situation so will be wavering them for this reason, but if she doesn't pay by x date, you'll have no choice to refuse care. Put it nicely so it doesn't come out too harsh or uncaring

Then change your payment terms to a month in advance!

13-12-2013, 08:25 AM
Child's not coming today too otherwise might have got cash.

Need to get tough I guess. Hate the money side of this job and in the three years I've been minding this is my first late payer

13-12-2013, 08:25 AM
I really hate the money side of things :panic:

The worst thing you can do for your parent/friend is let it continue, it becomes like a snowball and the debt only gets bigger. BIG SIGH. You need to sit down with her and work out a payment schedule. I know it's hard but it needs addressing, you need to get paid and she needs to sort herself out. :thumbsup:
I would advise her that your late fees are to safeguard you because you have charges for your late payments too, maybe drop this months because you havn't charged before but advise you are going to have to add them next month make sure you speak to her today so she knows where she stands and has the opportunity to pull her finger out.

We all have commitments whether we are single or not - single parents often get a lot more financial help so I don't think this is an excuse - life is hard but the fact is we all have to pay our way, pay our bills. Crikey the stuff I have had to do to make sure my bills are paid :) Legal of course!

Good luck and Merry Christmas. :D

13-12-2013, 11:51 AM
Does she get paid weekly or monthly? I prefer tobe paid monthly but for parents who get paid weekly I will acceot payment weekly as they can find it hard getting the whole months bill together when they only get paid weekly but either way its payment in advance!

13-12-2013, 04:14 PM
As far as I'm aware she gets paid monthly

19-12-2013, 08:02 AM
So dad is going to pay but has pulled child out. I'm gutted as get no goodbye and love having this child and my daughter will lose a good friend. Shame money is so important it can breakdown even the best relationships. Ah well on the upside I get Fridays off now.

19-12-2013, 08:38 AM
Sorry to hear that munch that really sucks., she will find the same thing no matter what Childcare she uses so it's nothing you have done. You are not a charity. Shame that you didn't get to say goodbye hugs xx

candy cat
19-12-2013, 05:49 PM
I have a mum who is on her own and relies on tax credits.....she gets her money paid weekly on a monday and she has a reminder on her phone to put it straight in my account....Maybe suggest this to help her budget better ;0)