10-12-2013, 09:14 AM
...............and stretch

Anyone else feeling it at the moment? I don't know if I'm on the countdown for xmas but I'm so tired.

It will teach me for filling every available space, I feel like I've got no time to rest

Hurry up my 2 weeks off and ski-ing hols :clapping:

10-12-2013, 09:28 AM
Yep me too! I am losing one after Christmas
So am taking on any extra I can,
Filling all my hours! Doesn't help staying up too late! And this am we have been invited to a Christmas party for a parenting forum I am on in a hotel., must be mad would say it will be bonkers!!

10-12-2013, 01:24 PM
i'm shattered too!

went to bed late ( no idea why or what I was doing! :rolleyes: ) and then picked up a book and couldn't put it down till I was finished! DH was then snoring and I couldn't get to sleep, no matter how much I pushed him to make him roll over! then I had a coughing fit !! I was still awake at 2.30 and the alarm goes off at 6.30, with first child arriving at 7.30!

we're out tonight and have a manic week both minding and in the evenings!

i'm surviving on chocolate and coca cola ( hmmm maybe that's why i'm not sleeping !!! )

3LO asleep, another having a quiet 1/2hr and I really ought to be getting on with prepping tea, but I've just had my sandwich reading the forum!

( and fancy curling up on sofa with LO, but I MUST do tea! )


10-12-2013, 01:32 PM
I'm shattered too, I also stay up late for no reason and then can't sleep when I do go, drop off and awake 2/3 times til get up time, and so
it starts again, have 3 lo all resting at the moment so enjoying a bit of quiet time. Roll on the 24th then off til 30th back for 2 days
1 off and then back to it again, and then on the countdown for holiday in May :clapping:

10-12-2013, 10:46 PM
The same. Can never her to sleep early, awake a few times through the night then can't get up in the morning. Think it's just so busy this time if year, all the kids party's, nativity plays etc, all the crafts that seem to be never ending, excited kids and later finishes then trying to get myself organised for Xmas whilst trying to organise house for moving after Xmas zzzz

10-12-2013, 10:58 PM
and here I am, at 3 minutes to 11, when I said I was coming up to bed half an hour ago !!!

night night! I really am going to bed! ( to read !!! )


11-12-2013, 08:50 AM
Morning how's all the tired people today? I went to bed at 11 last night which is a bit earlier but still wrecked! Two of my dds had Christmas shows on and I had to rush from one to the other so no chilling Til in bed! Dh went to bed at 11 as he was up at 4 for a flight and I imagine he will do the same tonight so might get to sleep early too, I stay up to keep him company and catch up on our day but I don't like staying up on my own so if he has early night so do I!

11-12-2013, 08:56 AM
I actually slept till 6.10! Its a miracle after weeks of waking between 4.30 n 5.30 my body clock is almost where it should be x

Only next week left with 7am starts too! Im gonna miss the lo but wont miss getting out of bed so early x