View Full Version : WEEKEND PLANS

07-12-2013, 07:21 AM
So what are we all up to this weekend?

Christmas shopping?

Decorations going up?


Chilling out?

I'm doing a bit of all of those :laughing:

Have a great weekend whatever you're doing :thumbsup:

07-12-2013, 07:49 AM
We planned to go to the Manchester Christmas market today...... But I feel like poo so not sure if we will make it.

I am still in bed and mr wobble has brought me paracetamol, brufen and tea in bed!

Wibble the spoiled x

07-12-2013, 08:07 AM
Madly tiding for the next couple of hours. Deliver a baptism cake hope that bow doesn't collapse like yesterday.

Go to Manchester airport to fetch mt borther, sister in law and niece. Fit some food shopping in.

Tomorrow spend the day with brother apart from taking ds for a football match in the morning 7.20 pick up :eek:

Put Christmas tree up in the afternoon.

Collapse in heap about 6ish :laughing::laughing:

07-12-2013, 08:19 AM
Morning all, dd has gymnastics so i'm going to the gym whilst she's there. Think we get our tree today so that will be decorated at some point and need to finish wrapping the xmas presents for the mindees. Tomorrow dd has swimming then not sure what we're doing.
Have a great weekend

07-12-2013, 09:07 AM
Grandparents bringing pur kids home from staying the night. ....going to buy our Christmas tree... .tomorrow dh and dd6 going with rainbows tomorrow to see santa....then family movie night with q Christmas movie. ....ironing uniforms.....yhen off for three days....Christmas shopping watching dd6 in her school play..going Christmas markets while mil looks after our kids.....dh got a second interview weds then back to work thursday. ....oh dh birthday tomorrow and Christmas tree decorating monday x

07-12-2013, 09:57 AM
After a week of other people's children, I have a weekend of......... er............... other people's children. :doh:

Yes, the ultimate grinch is back on the Santa circuit again this year.................. thousands (it seems) of the little chaps all fibbing that they've been good all year, and demanding gifts of electronic hardware that their parents can't afford, and that I could neither operate nor so much as identify. (What is a DS? And what is it's appeal to a child who can't even spell DS? First time I heard it, I thought the little chap wanted a baby sister. :o )

Just a tip to all the other males: never, ever, play Santa. And if you do, then don't ever let anyone know that you do it. Everybody wants you for their group/party/church/pub/etc. and they all take offence if you refuse: as in "look, I'm not the real Santa, so when I say I'm already booked, don't believe I can be omnipresent like the guy who's down every bl00dy chimney in the world on the stroke of midnight. Comprendez?" :mad:

Oh, and Fussy, check your Manchester arrival time. I've been warned there's some problem at ATC which might mess up your brother's flight (as well as my sleigh-flying schedule. :p )

07-12-2013, 09:59 AM
I thought ( I really must stop thinking! ) that I had a quiet weekend ...

today I have to return some books to the library and do some food shopping. Christmas tree needs decorating and house needs tidying ( not that I will do that on my own! )Dd also needs to practise for dance exams. tonight Dh & I have his company Christmas do.
tomorrow, both children have band practice, Ds has football match, Dd & I have church, Dd has dance exams and then breathe ... !!!

I do need to wrap mindees Christmas presents as next week is the last week for a couple till the new year! I also want to go through everything I bought for Christmas to see that I have everything I think I have !!!

have a good weekend everyone xx

07-12-2013, 10:00 AM
We planned to go to the Manchester Christmas market today...... But I feel like poo so not sure if we will make it.

I am still in bed and mr wobble has brought me paracetamol, brufen and tea in bed!

Wibble the spoiled x

hope you feel better soon x

07-12-2013, 10:55 AM
After a week of other people's children, I have a weekend of......... er............... other people's children. :doh:

Yes, the ultimate grinch is back on the Santa circuit again this year.................. thousands (it seems) of the little chaps all fibbing that they've been good all year, and demanding gifts of electronic hardware that their parents can't afford, and that I could neither operate nor so much as identify. (What is a DS? And what is it's appeal to a child who can't even spell DS? First time I heard it, I thought the little chap wanted a baby sister. :o )

Just a tip to all the other males: never, ever, play Santa. And if you do, then don't ever let anyone know that you do it. Everybody wants you for their group/party/church/pub/etc. and they all take offence if you refuse: as in "look, I'm not the real Santa, so when I say I'm already booked, don't believe I can be omnipresent like the guy who's down every bl00dy chimney in the world on the stroke of midnight. Comprendez?" :mad:

Oh, and Fussy, check your Manchester arrival time. I've been warned there's some problem at ATC which might mess up your brother's flight (as well as my sleigh-flying schedule. :p )

Luckily at the min his flight isnt affected. Im sure your sleigh flying schedule will be ok too :-D

07-12-2013, 10:57 AM
Get well soon Wibble

Bunyip I think I've been asked by every play group I go to, to be Santa. I'm going to start charging appearance fees at this rate!

Fussy, hope your hectic weekend goes well.

I've just fought my way through Bath town centre with a stroppy 3 year old. Friends coming over later for 'Christmas' dinner so just travelling back home on the bus to find my chef's hat!

07-12-2013, 12:14 PM
I have this very strange image of Bunyip the Grinch playing Santa:laughing:

It's study for me today! Hence why I am on here trying on my best avoidance tactics:thumbsup:

The Juggler
07-12-2013, 01:06 PM
well, I got up very early for a 0900 appoinmtment with an eco-insulation surveyor only to remember at 0930 we changed the appointment to 21st. No matter gave me a chance to get on with my reading for uni next week - the development of childrne's understanding of measurement and data handling - 3 hours later I'm more confused than I was when I started :panic::panic:

Took DD to her karate grading and she passed :clapping::clapping: but is upset with me an doesn't know why. Now off to run some errands in the village up the road.

Later must sort out my PDP file for uni.

not very exciting is it......:laughing::laughing:

mrs robbie williams
07-12-2013, 01:27 PM
Putting up the tree, gojng to buy more tinsel, housework then out for dinner :)

07-12-2013, 01:41 PM
Been trying hard since 9am to clean house as new man is taking me away next weekend, then daughter arriving for christmas following weekend. Problem is lack of motivation and keep stopping to check facebook etc and drink coffee lol

Village christmas market on this weekend but think i'll go tomorrow. New man coming down this evening then i'm off babysitting for 3 of my mindees so their parents can go for romantic meal:)

07-12-2013, 06:13 PM
Went shopping in Bromley with my daughter this afternoon. Not a very productive trip but it was nice to see the lights and stalls and get the festive feeling going. Came back and did the rest of the shopping on line. Writing my cards this evening then tomorrow I really must tidy up. I have so many craft bits i piles on every surface in my kitchen, that the mindees are in the middle of completing but it's beginning to annoy me know.

07-12-2013, 08:15 PM
I've done some washing, changed a bed, and put up 4 christmas trees and decorated the playroom, now I'm having a well deserved
drink, tomorrow I'm finishing the housework and hopefully catching up on paperwork otherwise it will wait til after xmas :D

07-12-2013, 10:48 PM
I have been to Worthing to be an Elf! for a world record number of elves - there were over 1100 of us, arranged and met a couple of Worthing CMs there.

Walked along the prom and picked up some geocaches which always makes me happy

tomorrow - tidying, christmas decs up, cards to write and ironing. :( Oh well, back to reality :rolleyes::rolleyes:

07-12-2013, 11:16 PM
We have had norovirus or something similarly nasty sweep through the house is weekend. On Friday morning dh had it, followed by ds and dd2 on Friday evening, me in the early hours of Saturday morning and dd3 on Saturday afternoon. This is a week after my little mindee vomited all over me and was sent home. Clearly I didn't bleach everything well enough, or perhaps we caught it elsewhere.

We have spent much of the day in bed and I'm still exhausted, so tomorrow I have to cram my entire weekend into a single day. Collecting preordered Christmas presents from town, food shopping, taking a hat back to tesco, starting my Christmas shopping for our children (!) cleaning the house ready for Monday and finishing painting the hall.

08-12-2013, 08:06 AM
We have had norovirus or something similarly nasty sweep through the house is weekend. On Friday morning dh had it, followed by ds and dd2 on Friday evening, me in the early hours of Saturday morning and dd3 on Saturday afternoon. This is a week after my little mindee vomited all over me and was sent home. Clearly I didn't bleach everything well enough, or perhaps we caught it elsewhere.

We have spent much of the day in bed and I'm still exhausted, so tomorrow I have to cram my entire weekend into a single day. Collecting preordered Christmas presents from town, food shopping, taking a hat back to tesco, starting my Christmas shopping for our children (!) cleaning the house ready for Monday and finishing painting the hall.

Good luck with that :laughing:

The Juggler
08-12-2013, 09:40 AM
Been trying hard since 9am to clean house as new man is taking me away next weekend, then daughter arriving for christmas following weekend. Problem is lack of motivation and keep stopping to check facebook etc and drink coffee lol

Village christmas market on this weekend but think i'll go tomorrow. New man coming down this evening then i'm off babysitting for 3 of my mindees so their parents can go for romantic meal:)

haha, I am using housecleaning as an excuse NOT to study! have fun next weekend.

08-12-2013, 09:54 AM
My highlights of yesterday's stint as Santa. Bear in mind they all come in with mums and dads.

Santa Bunyip: "...and what do you want for Christmas?"
Little girl 1: "Mummy says to ask for a butler cos I need a lot of looking after."

Santa Bunyip: "...and what do you want for Christmas?"
Little boy: "I don't know."
Santa Bunyip: "Maybe surprises?".
Little boy: "I want something special, but I can't think."
Santa Bunyip: "Well if you think of something later, you can send me a letter. Does your family want something special too?"
Little boy: "Oh yes, Mummy wants a One Direction tattoo, but I'm not to tell anybody."

Little girl 2: "I made my own Christmas tree."
Santa Bunyip: "Wow, that's clever. What did you make it out of?"
Little girl 2 (wearing that "why do adults ask stupid questions?" look) "Wood, of course."

08-12-2013, 10:09 AM
My highlights of yesterday's stint as Santa. Bear in mind they all come in with mums and dads.

Santa Bunyip: "...and what do you want for Christmas?"
Little girl 1: "Mummy says to ask for a butler cos I need a lot of looking after."

Santa Bunyip: "...and what do you want for Christmas?"
Little boy: "I don't know."
Santa Bunyip: "Maybe surprises?".
Little boy: "I want something special, but I can't think."
Santa Bunyip: "Well if you think of something later, you can send me a letter. Does your family want something special too?"
Little boy: "Oh yes, Mummy wants a One Direction tattoo, but I'm not to tell anybody."

Little girl 2: "I made my own Christmas tree."
Santa Bunyip: "Wow, that's clever. What did you make it out of?"
Little girl 2 (wearing that "why do adults ask stupid questions?" look) "Wood, of course."

Haha x sounds like you had a great day lol

The Juggler
08-12-2013, 10:23 AM
My highlights of yesterday's stint as Santa. Bear in mind they all come in with mums and dads.

Santa Bunyip: "...and what do you want for Christmas?"
Little girl 1: "Mummy says to ask for a butler cos I need a lot of looking after."

Santa Bunyip: "...and what do you want for Christmas?"
Little boy: "I don't know."
Santa Bunyip: "Maybe surprises?".
Little boy: "I want something special, but I can't think."
Santa Bunyip: "Well if you think of something later, you can send me a letter. Does your family want something special too?"
Little boy: "Oh yes, Mummy wants a One Direction tattoo, but I'm not to tell anybody."

Little girl 2: "I made my own Christmas tree."
Santa Bunyip: "Wow, that's clever. What did you make it out of?"
Little girl 2 (wearing that "why do adults ask stupid questions?" look) "Wood, of course."


08-12-2013, 12:59 PM
Yesterday morning we were up early and went to get our Christmas tree from the tree farm, love 7 foot tree.

Then I met up for lunch with two childminding friends.

Then I went into London with my dd to do a spot of Christmas shopping and see the lights we walked from Trafalgar Square, to Leicester Square, up to Carnaby Street, Regent Street and all along Oxford Street to Selfridges. The John Lewis windows were amazing and the Selfridges ones were very good ending with a huge window of gingerbread models of lost or never built London buildings.

All the lights are good and well worth a visit this year.

Today the Christmas tree will go up in the playroom plus some decorations.

We are going to write our Christmas cards and I have some LJs to do.

08-12-2013, 05:17 PM
Yesterday morning we were up early and went to get our Christmas tree from the tree farm, love 7 foot tree. Then I met up for lunch with two childminding friends. Then I went into London with my dd to do a spot of Christmas shopping and see the lights we walked from Trafalgar Square, to Leicester Square, up to Carnaby Street, Regent Street and all along Oxford Street to Selfridges. The John Lewis windows were amazing and the Selfridges ones were very good ending with a huge window of gingerbread models of lost or never built London buildings. All the lights are good and well worth a visit this year. Today the Christmas tree will go up in the playroom plus some decorations. We are going to write our Christmas cards and I have some LJs to do.

I was in London yesterday with friends looking at the lights, nearly passing out in hamleys and visiting a few pubs on the way!

Today been running around just sat down!

No christmas tree going up here yet haha!