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20-11-2013, 03:45 PM
Putting gloves on small children! It took us about 10 attempts to get fingers in the right places earlier with 3 year old mindee!

Feel free to add your own hates lol

20-11-2013, 04:14 PM
Converse shoes on babies.... why

Parents that pic up late and want a 10 min chat... why!!

(P.s with gloves I make children spread their fingers wide.. works wonders for me lol!)

20-11-2013, 05:04 PM
I had a 2 yr old arrive this week with gloves. I put a spare pair of mittens on her when we went out. I'm not spending 10 mins trying to get 10 fingers into gloves only for her to take them off 2 minutes later :panic:


20-11-2013, 05:06 PM
Parents that moan that there kids get dirty. All part of being a child/ of our jobs

20-11-2013, 05:19 PM
Tried the whole spread the fingers thing but LO too easily distracted and it took us even longer lol.

Still, should be grateful LO had them, another LO turned up last week with no jacket, just a thin hoodie, it was 4 degrees!!

20-11-2013, 05:32 PM
Sing the fingers song. Still takes ages but fun!

karen m
20-11-2013, 05:34 PM
Babies with pull ups , tights and trousers all at once full strip to change them

20-11-2013, 05:43 PM
Babies with pull ups , tights and trousers all at once full strip to change them

Or pull ups vest tights and dungarees with no poppers at the bottom

20-11-2013, 05:45 PM
Babies with pull ups , tights and trousers all at once full strip to change them

This was mine too, but a lo has huggies pull ups they are good as velcro fixing so you can put them on without undressing :thumbsup:

But still don't like them in them when not potty training

20-11-2013, 05:49 PM
Gloves are mine.....I now put the next size coat on my own lo and roll up the cuffs.....she can either have her hands out or in......rain covers on double pushchair. ....got to get a third one ss my last two have been ripped.....ir the babies decided no peak out the sides lol

Mrs Scrubbit
20-11-2013, 08:54 PM
Babies with pull ups , tights and trousers all at once full strip to change them

Now don't start me off on pull ups..........HATE, hate ,hate them xx

20-11-2013, 09:01 PM
Dungarees, parents who want to chat and children arriving with a soiled nappy

20-11-2013, 09:07 PM
Snot, puke, dribble and poo. Not good for someone in the childminding business hay?

My children learnt to cover thier mouths when coughing and to blow thier nose not pick it.

But my dd pukes and gags if anyone put spit or dribble on her lol

20-11-2013, 09:21 PM
Sick. Most things I take in my stride but sick ewe!

20-11-2013, 09:46 PM
Boots that you can't get onto the child's ankles! I fear I may break their bones pulling and pushing!

20-11-2013, 10:08 PM
Parents who tell you their children love their reins and are very capable walking in them, only to proceed to spend most of the school run dangling them like a puppet because they hate them and keep trying to get down on the floor, then picking them up and the little delights smearing my jeans and coat with wonderful mud and goodness knows what else from their shoes.......sigh

20-11-2013, 10:20 PM
Older siblings of LO's who come at pick up time and think they can root around in my, nice and tidy, toys! Or touch everything in their sight!

Had one today who decided to bang their head against our framed world map repeatedly!!

20-11-2013, 10:24 PM
Real nappies on babies who wriggle non stop. And it's not those easy nappies that are all in one. But have several layers that you have to make sure are all flat and in place with a special paper layer and then you have to try and do up the fiddly poppers whilst the baby is twisting all over the place. I keep some disposable nappies spare for when I can't fight anymore...:thumbsup:

20-11-2013, 10:49 PM
Converse shoes on babies.... why

Parents that pic up late and want a 10 min chat... why!!

(P.s with gloves I make children spread their fingers wide.. works wonders for me lol!)

I do 'star hands' to help with gloves :)

My pet hate is children wearing nappies and dungarees that don't have crotch poppers.

Also little girls wearing the most beautiful dresses but they get in the way of crawling and strapping them into a high chair is nigh impossible due to the voluminous skirts.

And whilst I'm at it, 'shoes' on babies too early.

AND sending girls wearing beautiful white tights. They always get filthy and I feel guilty for it.

yes, I've had a bad week!

20-11-2013, 11:44 PM
For me its the child who arrives in a poppered vest when we are potty training.

21-11-2013, 07:42 AM
Yes long dresses! Have one mum who has two little girls and has sent them in nearly ankle length skirts when learning to walk, always getting their feet caught in them
When trying to stand up. Just dangerous!

21-11-2013, 07:57 AM
Boots that you can't get onto the child's ankles! I fear I may break their bones pulling and pushing!

Im the same and yhe boots are not water proof and the laces are two lobg even double knoting them

21-11-2013, 08:04 AM
Shoes with laces on toddlers and children that don't know how to lace them up themselves.... Why?

And children bringing multitudes of belongings from home..... Why? I have toys here you know, and you don't want to share precious baby Anna with the other children.

21-11-2013, 09:14 AM
Putting gloves on small children! It took us about 10 attempts to get fingers in the right places earlier with 3 year old mindee!

Feel free to add your own hates lol

When the children are old enough to, I get them to "put in a fist and open up fingers like a star" to get them into the fingers of gloves.

I found the simplest way to keep little hands warm for non-walkers was to have hand-muffs that Mrs B knitted to use in the pushchair. The children loved them. Sadly, someone else must've liked them too, as they got stolen when we were at toddler group. :(

21-11-2013, 09:19 AM
For me its the child who arrives in a poppered vest when we are potty training.

Then it dangles just when they decide to wee or poo and it goes all over it


Angel xxx

21-11-2013, 11:10 AM
Then it dangles just when they decide to wee or poo and it goes all over it


Angel xxx

Exactly lol x

21-11-2013, 12:13 PM
Babies with pull ups , tights and trousers all at once full strip to change them I have had this - baby not potty training but aparantly they are in offer!! Xx

21-11-2013, 02:08 PM
Babies that poo all over you!

Guess what happened to me today?! Lol

21-11-2013, 02:25 PM
Children who should be at home cos they're not well!!!!!! Got a 13 month old today who has cried and whined all day, not eating and feeling very sorry for herself :( (yes I know I should send her home but know that nana who steps in to look after her and her brother if they're ill is ill too and mum and dad both had time off with her last week so putting up with it in the hope she'll improve soon!!)

22-11-2013, 06:48 PM
For me its the child who arrives in a poppered vest when we are potty training.

Yeah, what's that all about?! Genuinely thought it was just the girl I look after - she keeps arriving in a nappy too (in case she wets herself in car) and has invariably done a poo, that I reckon she would have held in but prefers to do it in a nappy so takes her chance while she can. She can go 1.5-2 hours without needing the toilet so the 10 min car journey should be fine if she used the toilet before leaving home. Went off on a rant there. Sorry.

Other hate is that the mum of 2yo who comes in at 8.15 on a Monday morning and chats for 15 mins, while the older kids boing up and down, to and from the breakfast table as 2yo is playing and they want to say 'hello'. She then attempts to leave about 5 times, all the time he gets more and more upset at her leaving and the other kids are wound up and not getting ready for school. Once she (finally!!) leaves, the 2yo won't eat breakfast as too upset and there isn't actually any time to do it. He is only one day a week so I know she feels the need to tell me about the rest of his week but that's what the ****** 'communication book' is for. Have tried gentle reminders but it doesn't get through. A couple of weeks ago I happened to be getting something out of the shed out of the front when they arrived and I said 'ooh, don't worry about getting the baby out of the car, I'll just take J in now'. Came in like a dream, no crying, no tantrums - why oh why can't we do this every week?!!!! Have wound myself up now!

22-11-2013, 07:00 PM
I have a eight yr old who says "what" every time I talk,even if they have heard me perfectly clearly! Arrrrgggghhh

22-11-2013, 07:31 PM
Why has nobody yet mentioned children coughing and sneezing in your face as you strap them into their car seats! :panic::laughing:

22-11-2013, 07:36 PM
Why has nobody yet mentioned children coughing and sneezing in your face as you strap them into their car seats! :panic::laughing:

Urgh that always happens to me or when im strapping them in the buggy!!

22-11-2013, 08:59 PM
Or potty training and discovering the parents have only packed one spare set of clothes!! What's that all about!

22-11-2013, 11:15 PM
Snot especially when they lick it before you can wipe it!

27-11-2013, 09:56 PM
Boots that you can't get onto the child's ankles! I fear I may break their bones pulling and pushing!

Yes this is mine too!! I spend ages pushing their boots on only to have the toddler pull them off every time we go in the car. It's infuriating I keep telling myself I will buy a pair of plimsoles to slip on instead. Haven't done it yet. I have asked the parent if they find it difficult too, and they said yeeeessssss!!!!!!!!!!!! Who looks after them the most? Me! Sorry rant over :-)

27-11-2013, 10:04 PM
Why has nobody yet mentioned children coughing and sneezing in your face as you strap them into their car seats! :panic::laughing:

Omg I thought it was just mine!!!