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View Full Version : alternative raincover for abc double?

15-11-2013, 01:38 PM
Anyone had to replace theirs and know of another raincover I can buy for my double ABC adventure buggy?

The original is still keeping children dry, but has been patched along most seams with duct tape and now I have noticed splits appearing in random places. Tried my nipper 360 cover but it's not big enough from the back to the front....

Any help much appreciated..... :)

15-11-2013, 01:53 PM
try MaClaren Rain Covers, Silvercross Rain Covers, Mail Order and Online Sales (http://www.apolloraincovers.co.uk/)

it doesn't list the ABC, but give them a call, they may be able to help. they make raincovers for almost every pushchair there is!!! I have used them several times in the past and they have always been really helpful. the last time I actually went to pick up my raincover as its not far away and they were really nice people.

good luck x

15-11-2013, 01:56 PM
Thanks, will investigate.... :)