View Full Version : So Who Likes HALLOWEEN??

31-10-2013, 05:01 PM
As per the title......who likes Halloween?

Do you mind children turning up at your door?

Do you turn the lights off and sit in the dark ignoring the door!!??

Have you got your sweeties in?

Are you taking LOs out this evening?

I personally don't particularly like that knock on the door, although I have a tub of sweets at the ready :laughing:

I don't mind the tiny ones who turn up with their parents and who have made an effort.....don't like the ones who turn up with a sheet on their head asking for sweets or they'll egg your house :angry:

Bumble Beez
31-10-2013, 05:06 PM
I'm with you...

Littlies looking cute dressed up and with parents is fine, when they are older...hmmm not so much!

We have ended up not answering the door over recent years, simply because my youngest was scared one year so badly that he now dreads the knock!!

And we have had cars floured, eggs etc :( not good.

We don't take our boys out either x

31-10-2013, 05:09 PM
Love doing the pumpkins
Hate people knocking the door (but I've got sweets just incase!)
Have decorated the house
Kids have dressed up (my own)

Did my first complicated carving this year!


31-10-2013, 05:09 PM
Ive lit the pumpkins so they know they can knock.

As the others I don't mind the little ones but don't see why the teenagers should knock.

We don't trick or treat but going to Halloween party tomorrow :thumbsup:

31-10-2013, 05:17 PM
The front of my house invites them. Pumpkin on my doorstep all lit up, things hanging from front windows. The kids love it & they all come to me every year. I've decorated inside too for mindees. My kids 15 & 16 loved it also as youngsters but not too bothered now :-/

hectors house
31-10-2013, 05:18 PM
My daughter's 28th birthday today - have put sweets outside for little ones to help themselves as cooking a birthday tea for 9 people and haven't got time to keep going and opening door - we don't get many witches and ghosts up here as mostly OAP bungalows and as the neighbours across the road with children are very religious I don't think they let them out trick or treating.

31-10-2013, 05:19 PM
I have my pumpkin at the door ready with the sweets. We meet up with others in the village and the postmaster has a list of the addresses we can knock at.

31-10-2013, 05:24 PM
Wow emma... That's great.

If we're in then I decorate the front of the house, light pumpkins and get ready for trick or treaters

This year we're out so currently sitting in darkness as about to leave!

I love seeing all the little ones dressed up and I don't even mind the teenagers who have made an effort. Last year I saw 2 very glam witches walking down the road ... They were boys! :-)

31-10-2013, 05:27 PM
I feel like a right humbug. I have no sweets and I havent lit the pumpkin and I have shut the blinds with the intention of not answering the door. My 3 yo doesnt get it but my 5 yo does although shes gone to a party at the moment. Maybe I should nip the shops and get some sweets? I just hate going to the door when its dark and my husband is working late shift. We didnt get many last year, my OH normally takes them trick or treating but just a shame it falls on back shift this yr :-(

31-10-2013, 05:47 PM
Ive done up the front of the house with decorations. Little ones helped me this afternoon, and weve had 5 groups round already. There will be probably another 100 kids round between now and 8pm. Its quite a big this around here.

My son is upstairs not bothered, my dd is out at a party and then going trick or treating and im in with dh, sweets and trying to eat tea :D

Last year was the first time in 14yrs that we didn't do anything. We sat with the lights off with no decorations out an no one rang the bell.

Pixie dust
31-10-2013, 05:47 PM
Our pumpkin is lit on the doorstep, sweets are ready....like everyone else I don't mind the little ones who knock early evening. A couple of my little mindees are supposed to be knocking. We live on a little cul-d-sac with a lot of OAPs who don't open the door so we don't normally get too many. As a family we never go trick or treating but had parties when the children were younger but they are teenagers now and are happy to give out the sweets at the door.

Well it's nearly 6pm and nobody has been yet!!!!

Bumble Beez
31-10-2013, 06:02 PM
We've had no trick or treaters yet :)

Sarah x

31-10-2013, 06:05 PM
We've had no trick or treaters yet :)

Sarah x

My post-Halloween evening sweetie stash is diminishing :(

31-10-2013, 06:06 PM
We've had no trick or treaters yet :)

Sarah x

My treats are all gone :D

31-10-2013, 06:08 PM
My treats are all gone :D

What are you going to do now? No treats or no door-opening :D

31-10-2013, 06:28 PM
I've run out of sweets too! I've got the gingerbread men we made today on standby in case anymore people knock, they were meant for our fireworks party on Saturday! If it gets to 7pm then I think I'll bring the pumpkin in and turn the light off as little ones should be getting ready for bed by then and I don't like teenagers knocking (and I doubt they would be impressed with my gingerbread men anyway!)

31-10-2013, 06:34 PM
two of my ex-mindees have just knocked! It was so great to see them all dressed up - wasn't expecting them as they moved hundreds of miles away! Usually we just get the mindees knocking but always get way too many sweeties in just in case and end up eating them myself... :blush:

31-10-2013, 06:36 PM
All decked up at the front of the house and three pumkins! Running low on sweeties now though, I'm gonna have to stop eating them :laughing:

31-10-2013, 06:39 PM
I've run out of sweets too! I've got the gingerbread men we made today on standby in case anymore people knock, they were meant for our fireworks party on Saturday! If it gets to 7pm then I think I'll bring the pumpkin in and turn the light off as little ones should be getting ready for bed by then and I don't like teenagers knocking (and I doubt they would be impressed with my gingerbread men anyway!)

Just run out of sweets now and we too have little gingerbread men on standby!

Pixie dust
31-10-2013, 06:41 PM
Still lots of treats here :D only 3 lots knocked so far so looking good for some yummy treats for us to eat in front of the tv.

31-10-2013, 06:47 PM
Well we rushed to the shops got lots of sweeties, lit the pumpkins (one in kitchen window and one in the porch window) and my lo is dressed up but no one has been yet! We live on a cul de sac of 8 houses so im not sure how busy it will get if at all. I hope someone comes, if not next year I will stick to being a humbug :-D

31-10-2013, 06:55 PM
Three knocks so far, total of children 7. Just waiting for one of my mindees and her sister to come they come every year their sweets are
seperate so that I have some for them, everyone else has til 7.30 and then no more door opening they should be in bed by then :laughing:

It will be carol singers next :panic: can't be doing with this Bah Humbug

Bumble Beez
31-10-2013, 07:18 PM
Well...we had a knock at the door...DS asleep so answered it..and it was DH's mate lol!! :laughing:

Sarah x

31-10-2013, 07:20 PM
One teenager just grabbed a handful of chocolate fingers.....my light is off now :mad:

31-10-2013, 07:23 PM
One teenager just grabbed a handful of chocolate fingers.....my light is off now :mad:

A teenager? You would assume they would know better!

Pixie dust
31-10-2013, 07:39 PM
Our light is off now too....last mindees just been to visit (youngest too 18 month old with 3 year old brother) so that's it now the rest is for me :D

31-10-2013, 08:10 PM
What are you going to do now? No treats or no door-opening :D

No door opening :(

31-10-2013, 08:21 PM
No door opening :(

I've not had anymore knocks.....I ate the last Chomp

31-10-2013, 08:46 PM
No one came! am glad really, was a little worried about how my dd3 would react to scary masks and faces?
Dd9 screamed the place down when she was 3 and a lad (about 10yrs) knocked wearing a "Scream" mask!! Bless him, he quickly whipped it off and apologised profusely and gave her all his sweets!!!! (My mum was just about to take her to a friends house in her new witch dress! Bad timing, otherwise she'd not have been at the door!)
Dd9 has never forgotten, but still saw fit to tell dd3 the monsters were out tonight!! Helpful!! NOT!
Luckily dd3 is less sensitive and told me she would tell the monster to get out of her room and go home to his mummy! Lol!!!!!
10min later she called from upstairs......"mummy will you hide my apple toffee (translated=toffee apple) incase he takes it!

Been asleep for a few hrs now, dd9 gone to bed with her dressing gown on her head! (For protection! Apparently???!) DH gone to bed in a strop cos I wouldn't let him open the Doritos (they're for the firework party on Saturday!) SO!..... I have poured a glass of wine and am surrounded by dying candle lit pumpkins and a scorched pumpkin aroma!!!

Another October 31st done and dusted!!!

31-10-2013, 09:35 PM
I'm totally bah humbug! I hate the idea of basically telling my kids it's ok to go knocking on doors asking for something for nothing! I love Carol singers who make a real effort, and who are normally collecting for charity, but I find trick or treating very difficult to ok! We have been to a party this year, normally we have our own with fancy dress & lots of games and silliness! Besides, chocolate doesn't last long round here!

31-10-2013, 10:17 PM
My 4 year old daughter loved it, it was her first Treat or Treat! She did get a little scared with some of the masks but I explained it was just pretend and the kids under the masks did remove them to reveal themselves which I thought was a really nice thing to do. The entire streets around us participated and not only did pumpkins but went to great lengths to decorate and dress up! I think its harm less fun and a great atmosphere, all the neighbours were out chatting and being very friendly. I don't look at it as something for nothing, all bought sweets for each other children what's wrong with that? We did some knocking at doors and in return my daughter loved handing out treats to other children when they came knocking.

31-10-2013, 11:57 PM
I don't like Halloween, I know I'm the odd one out but I just don't get it, I really don't like trick or treating, all year round the message is dont talk to strangers but on Halloween it's ok to, i know some people only go to houses they know but we get little kids knocking on our who I've never seen before. We don't hand out sweets and one year I answered the door (expecting it to be my mum) and when I realised it was trick or treaters said sorry we don't have any sweets to then get an earful from the parent about me ruining their childs night and that I should have a look in my house and see what I could find, even suggesting money! Well i never open the door now!
I know I'm the odd one out and sound like a right misery but I'm glad it's over (well until next year).

01-11-2013, 07:21 AM
Oh well that's that over for another year :laughing:

hectors house
01-11-2013, 08:31 AM
My first trick or treater was my favourite - it was my 8 month old grandson in a pumpkin costume - after that we had a group of little ones round with parents so put a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY banner on front door so hopefully they would just take the sweets without knocking - but don't think we had anyone else come after that as sweets still there this morning. It's very hard this morning after a mid week party to get motivated and having to get all toys and equipment out again now.

01-11-2013, 09:02 AM
I can take it or leave it, but keep the door closed with a "no trick or treats" sign in the window. Only wish I could do the same for Christmas too. :p

Things that annoy me about Hallowe'en (apart from the adult-sanctioned extortion-with-threats part) are:-

1. People who moan that it's an American invention (which it isn't). Well so's Facebook, DIet Coke, turkey at Christmas, and a good deal of the rest of the things in your life.

2. Christian fundamentalists who make pathetic attempts to sanitise Hallowe'en with their "light night" and other rubbish. Look, you already hijacked Easter and Christmas from the pagans and went and messed those up - please do something original and leave the poor Wikka and pagans to practice their own beliefs without your interference.

Rant end. :)

01-11-2013, 02:22 PM
I can take it or leave it, but keep the door closed with a "no trick or treats" sign in the window. Only wish I could do the same for Christmas too. :p

Things that annoy me about Hallowe'en (apart from the adult-sanctioned extortion-with-threats part) are:-

1. People who moan that it's an American invention (which it isn't). Well so's Facebook, DIet Coke, turkey at Christmas, and a good deal of the rest of the things in your life.

2. Christian fundamentalists who make pathetic attempts to sanitise Hallowe'en with their "light night" and other rubbish. Look, you already hijacked Easter and Christmas from the pagans and went and messed those up - please do something original and leave the poor Wikka and pagans to practice their own beliefs without your interference.

Rant end. :)

You sound like my dh....lol

01-11-2013, 07:21 PM
I can take it or leave it, but keep the door closed with a "no trick or treats" sign in the window. Only wish I could do the same for Christmas too. :p

Things that annoy me about Hallowe'en (apart from the adult-sanctioned extortion-with-threats part) are:-

1. People who moan that it's an American invention (which it isn't). Well so's Facebook, DIet Coke, turkey at Christmas, and a good deal of the rest of the things in your life.

2. Christian fundamentalists who make pathetic attempts to sanitise Hallowe'en with their "light night" and other rubbish. Look, you already hijacked Easter and Christmas from the pagans and went and messed those up - please do something original and leave the poor Wikka and pagans to practice their own beliefs without your interference.

Rant end. :)

Turkey is big at Thanks giving not so much at Christmas!!

01-11-2013, 07:32 PM
Turkey is big at Thanks giving not so much at Christmas!!

Oops. Let me know when I can get down from the naughty step..................................:ohdear:

01-11-2013, 08:09 PM
I do! we had a party and my little one aged 4 likes to answer the door however i wouldn't let her go trick or treating as i thinks she's best at home in the warm house.

01-11-2013, 09:00 PM
We had loads of trick or treaters last night. It started before 6 and ended aroung half 8. I haven't seen these here before but there were about 10 children brought round in wheel chairs, all lined up in the drive and along the pavement. Thought it was easier for me to take the sweets to them or they would have been ages trying to turn round/reverse each one and let the next one in.

02-11-2013, 08:25 AM
Oops. Let me know when I can get down from the naughty step..................................:ohdear:

I'll come and join you for acting like a clever clogs lol!