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View Full Version : Oct half term x2 :)

31-10-2013, 08:22 AM
I live in Leics but right on the border of Northants meaning I have children here from both counties. Leics half term was last week so all toddler groups were off and I had 2 busy days with 2 not so busy. This week I still cant get to my groups as I have a 7yr old on half term from Northants.

Starting to feel confined to the house....glad I've only got today, Friday and Monday left (he has an extra inset day) and If I don't see another Halloween craft it will be too soon :laughing:

October is very often different and Leics get a week early for the summer breaking up around the 12th but going back on the 29th ish Aug . Easter is different too as we break up on the 11th April....

31-10-2013, 09:33 AM
Believe me, JC, I sympathise. :(

I too live close to a county boundary with different school holidays. That's not the worst of it either. It's a nightmanre trying to deal with LAs, DOs, and pacey offices that are incapable of coordinating across county boundaries. :angry:

31-10-2013, 09:45 AM
I know how you feel. Birmingham and Hereford and Worcester are the same this half term but Solihull were last week. I know one parent who was pulling her hair out as she booked a week holiday last week as she already knew that Solihull were off and expected Birmingham to be the same and in Birmingham you risk being fined for unauthorised absence. Older child is in senior school in Solihull and younger child is in year 1.

Last year they were different and the local farm were doing Halloween activities which we fine for Bromsgrove children who were off but nothing for when the Birmingham children were off.