View Full Version : And today we....

30-10-2013, 06:04 PM
Carved the pumpkin we dragged home ( well put in the lower seat of the Phil and teds) and played with the insides...apparently F (3 next month) said it felt like raisins on the outside and cold and shuffly (no I don't know what that means either) on the inside.
Mr wobble went in the car to pick up the rest of the pumpkins and butternut squash.... Does anyone want any ( beachgirl29 has bagsied a big one)

Wibble the terrifying!!! Whooohahahahahaha! X




30-10-2013, 06:10 PM
What a great idea!! never thought about them playing with the mush in the middle i always scoop and throw will have to experiment :thumbsup:

30-10-2013, 06:19 PM
We cut a pumpkin in half last week and spent the morning scooping out the seeds and mush and squishing and squidging it!
Then we separated the seeds from the goo and roasted them. No one liked them!
We cut up the pumpkin and roasted it. This was turned into pumpkin risotto for tea and soup for lunch the next day!
So much fun (& goodness )from one pumpkin!

30-10-2013, 06:35 PM
One of our parents is bringing pumpkin soup for everyone tomorrow... I've never tried it before so I am quite excited :D

Love your pictures Wibble :clapping:

30-10-2013, 06:57 PM
My LOs love playing with the insides:D. I saved last years seeds for planting - they are still in a pot on top of a cupboard in the utility room:blush:

We are cutting ours tomorrow today we went for a Halloween Funday at the Welsh botanical gardens. We stroked owls and a skunk, listened to stories, watched Crazy Clayton (kids entertainer), climbed rocks, made masks, did colouring, Played on a pirate ship, jumped over a stream (and one LO jumped in:D) and Squeezed into baby change areas:cool:

30-10-2013, 07:57 PM
Today we did halloween baking ., mostly my three dds but the little ones did a bit of decorating with some help


Just about to taste!!

30-10-2013, 07:59 PM
Today we did halloween baking ., mostly my three dds but the little ones did a bit of decorating with some help <img src="http://www.childmindinghelp.co.uk/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=7937"/> Just about to taste!!

What fab cakes...hungry now

Wibble the sweet toothed x

30-10-2013, 08:04 PM
Me too! Want pumpkin risotto! What's the story with the squashes wibble can u carve
Them like pumpkins?

30-10-2013, 08:34 PM
Me too! Want pumpkin risotto! What's the story with the squashes wibble can u carve Them like pumpkins?

Squashes are for eating... Yum yum

Wibble the porker! X