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20-10-2013, 06:56 PM
Terminated a contract last week and I have 4 weeks notice in the terms & cond but parent wants to finish next week.
What will I say

20-10-2013, 06:59 PM
Say "That's fine but you will have to pay for the weeks left of the 4 week termination period," :thumbsup:

20-10-2013, 07:02 PM
Unless you cant wait to get rid but really you should get paid it all.

20-10-2013, 07:14 PM
If you need the money and can put up with seeing out the notice period (which can be quite a miserable experience :( ) then you are within your rights to demand mum sticks to the contracted terms and period of notice.

You can agree to terminate earlier by mutual consent, but would normally then charge for only the actual period worked. But you might actually be able to negotiate a better deal than that. Mutual consent is, after all, whatever both parties can agree to.

I would certainly consider who is holding the fee at the moment. If you're paid in advance and/or hold a good deposit, then there is less to fear. If mum pays in arrears, then it's possible mum might become difficult over paying you, especially if she feels she is being made to pay for a service she no longer wants.

hectors house
20-10-2013, 08:12 PM
I can't remember if I read why you were terminating the contract - If I terminated the contract because I couldn't get on with the child or parents then I would jump at the chance to get rid of them sooner - I would probably say to parent in this instance that I am giving you 4 weeks notice however if you find alternative care sooner than go ahead -as Bunyip says it can be a very stressful 4 weeks!

20-10-2013, 08:30 PM
I worry lately about the risk of a malicious complaint to Ofsted when a parent is not happy. I think if i have given notice then i would prefer to let the family move on more quickly, to prevent any bad feelings and resentment.. Is this the child who only comes to you 1 day a week and has not settled? Then if so i would be even more inclined to let them leave early as the child is not going to be any more settled the next few weeks and it would be much fairer for the child to start with someone new.

20-10-2013, 08:35 PM
As others have said it all depends on if you want to work the termination period or not

Personally I usually cut my losses and let them go early

karen m
21-10-2013, 10:57 AM
I have always stated I would let parent go as soon as they ask to prevent any bad feeling

21-10-2013, 11:06 AM
When you give notice to a parent the idea of the 4 week notice period is so that they have time to make alternative arrangements, not so you have time to fill their space or earn money for a further 4 weeks.
If a parent gives notice, the 4 week period is to allow you time to find alternative work.
In either case the notice period is there to make things a bit easier for the person receiving notice.

If parents don't need your services anymore I would let them go early. There really seems little benefit in making them stay.

21-10-2013, 11:53 AM
When you give notice to a parent the idea of the 4 week notice period is so that they have time to make alternative arrangements, not so you have time to fill their space or earn money for a further 4 weeks. If a parent gives notice, the 4 week period is to allow you time to find alternative work. In either case the notice period is there to make things a bit easier for the person receiving notice. If parents don't need your services anymore I would let them go early. There really seems little benefit in making them stay.
I'd have to agree with mouse on this one