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View Full Version : LinkedIn Help Needed

18-10-2013, 07:13 PM
ok ive recently started using Linkedin... but I dont get it :blush:

It comes up with the following list - but if I add someone I know which box do I tick because it asks me to expand? Some are LA employees (or ex employees), some are childminders - now technically in real life I dont 'know' a lot of them face to face so how do I connect with them???? please help me..... Im sure its simple (just not for me :laughing:)

Please select one value.
How do you know xxxxxx?
Please enter a value (Choose company name)

We’ve done business together
I don’t know xxxxxx

hectors house
18-10-2013, 07:38 PM
I am signed up for it too as someone invited me to join - but I haven't got a clue what it is for or how to use it!

18-10-2013, 07:48 PM
I am signed up for it too as someone invited me to join - but I haven't got a clue what it is for or how to use it!

Glad its not just me then :laughing:

Fingers crossed someone can tell us both then :thumbsup:

18-10-2013, 09:05 PM
I believe you can be invited to join some's network and you accept
The same as you can ask someone who started a group to be invited to join and be part of their discussions...like the group you joined and which I started for independent cms

To me its like a spiders web and one day I may get the hang of it too.....we definitely need a lesson

Apart from that do you enjoy Linkedin?

19-10-2013, 02:29 PM
me too - do not get it - don't really get twitter either though so there's no hope for me!

19-10-2013, 03:00 PM
Have you joined any groups yet? that should be at the top of the LinkedIn page...as you join them LinkedIn suggests others too that maybe of interest to you.
At the moment I am following those where I get latest info on childcare and current reforms

if you are new you also need to follow others which means your 'connections' will grow...they will be connected to others and as you connect with them your web will widen

Apparently people look at your profile so important you have something there ...keep us posted how you get on
I know Tashaleee is in my group...also people use their proper names so even more confusing when you know them under a different one!!!