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View Full Version : Advice needed from you lovely people please...

17-10-2013, 09:59 PM
Evening, It's a bit of a long story but I need some help. In my village there are quite a few childminders and we all get on well. There is one CM who tends to keep herself to herself and that's fine. She never takes the children to any groups and again that's her choice. She had been minding for 20+ years and everybody knows her.
Well she is regularly over her numbers, usually by 1 or 2 and even before the EYFS changed I have seen her taking 5 children to Pre-school. Last week I counted 8 children in Year 2 and below after school (year 2 is around 6/7 years old) Some were siblings but that is still way over numbers. The next day she had 7 children all under 6/7 years old.
A few of us moan to each other about her and wonder how she gets away with it, Well it's obviously because we moan to each other and not to Ofsted. I nearly reported her last week but it somehow feels wrong reporting 'one of our own'.
Well that has now definitely changed, yesterday she was definitely over her numbers again in the morning at school (7 under age 7) and probably was in the afternoon. The final straw was when she left the school having collected her children, a few minutes later a TA was walking back to the classroom when I saw her pick up a small child who was sobbing, he was under 2. She knew the child and asked who he was with, I called out that he was with XXXXXXX and she asked where she was, I said she went that way and pointed out of the gate. She took the child to the CM and she didn't even realise that the child wasn't with her! All the CM said said was 'He's a really slow walker' NOOOOOO, you left him behind! She didn't comfort the child in any way and he was distraught.
I have spoken to the TA involved and she doesn't want to do anything about it and is happy for me to report it but wants to stay anonymous. I am going to write it all up and speak to Ofsted and LSCB tomorrow and another CM who was with me has said she will sign the 'statement' as being accurate and back me and another has said she will support me through this.
My question is - has anyone else been through this and do you know what might happen?
Sorry it's so long and thanks for reading and helping.


17-10-2013, 10:25 PM
No, sorry, not been through it, but want to say well done for having the courage to speak up where you feel something is wrong. Hope it's a smooth process and gets resolved.

17-10-2013, 11:27 PM
If you feel in your heart of hearts you need to do something then go ahead.

Be aware however that unless you request to be anonymous too the childminder under the freedom of information act can request to view your complaint & she will be shown it.

If you feel the children are at risk then you have a duty if care.

However as you say her choice to not attend groups etc is totally up to her and if she has been doing it for so many years maybe she is very set into her old ways. She may have reasons for keeping herself to herself too? She may find it hard to socialise and interact with other adults In her field of work?! Deep down she may possibly like to be involved more?!

Hope all goes well for you all :) xx

18-10-2013, 07:12 AM
Would it not be better to speak with her first. Maybe advise her that a lot of people witnessed the incident at school and you are worried she is over her numbers and someone may put a complaint in. I would hate to think that someone would put a complaint in about me without having spoken to me first.


18-10-2013, 07:26 AM
I would suggest going straight to Ofsted. Whilst I agree with the previous comments about her not necessarily being a bad person, and you don't want to turn against one of your own, no one can deny there is a serious safety issue here. The ratios are set for a reason, I always judge my decisions by saying to myself, "how would I feel if something happened and I didn't try to stop it?" I suspect talking to her wouldn't make a lot of difference if she has been doing this for years, also, if you speak to her and then report her, she will know it is you that has done it! Good luck either way x

18-10-2013, 07:32 AM
I think it is a really difficult one

I am one of only 2 registered minders in our village, there are so many unregistered and social worker asked me to name them at my last inspection. I just couldnt do it.

Although if children werent receiving adequate care i may have to.

Could you not speak to teacher about this incident. I know deputy head at our local school reported a childminder for being over her numbers and carrying more children in car than she had seat belts for. Surely if TA found the child then school has some responsibility for this incident.

I think, as suggested, I would speak to her first

Good luck, not an easy one

18-10-2013, 12:03 PM
I disagree I don't think it is difficult she is very simply breaking every rule about ratios, and left a child behind because of it, Ofsted would not at all be happy, and I personally would not want her to look after my children. Ratios are there for a reason, to protect the well being of the child and keep them safe. She is putting the child's safety at risk, and therefore is being neglectful. She needs to be reported. I don't think it is a tough decision at all.

The amount of discussions on here about ratios and quality of care, I'm afraid there is only really one thing you can do in this situation, I don't believe having a chat with her will be enough!

18-10-2013, 12:51 PM
Personally regardless of wheat type of person she is, if she likes or dislikes groups. She is iver her numbers- this us bad enough, could be an over sight but you should know what you can personally responsibly manage, talking into account each individual child.
She lost a child. This is now a child protection issue and think its gone past time to talk to her 121 about it. What if the child had wandered off into the road, or into a strangers car.
The ta needs to step up too! She is a professional and should be prepared to stand by what happened.
I assumed you could remain anonymous anyway?
Good luck. It us a brave move but I totally support what you're doing as this is for those children and their parents.

18-10-2013, 01:08 PM
I would report it to ofsted regardless. Ofsted will not say who made the complaint as I recently had an unannounced inspection due to an anon complaint. If it is obvious that there is a breach then go ahead. In my case I had a toddler take his shoes of while i was in the school playground it was raining and I had not noticed him do it. In my case I would have though common sense would have been to mention if I had noticed him splashing in puddles with no shoes on not contact ofsted but that is me.

If she is legal and above board then she will be cleared like I was.