View Full Version : Help PLEASE

Hello you
16-10-2013, 05:09 PM
Hi everyone,

I would like to make a question, I am quite worried because I have started my application
with OFSTED on 17 July 2013, I have sent all documents and every documents are correct,
but they are STILL awaiting for my social checks from Southwark and It has taken tooooo much
time, towards 2 months. IS IT POSSIBLE, HABITUAL?

Many thanks for your kind attention!
Best wishes :)

16-10-2013, 05:15 PM
Sorry to hear that. How frustrating for you. I think there's a way to check progress of social services checks (I'm sure I saw it on here somewhere). Hopefully someone else will come along with more advice. Didn't want to read and run.

Hello you
16-10-2013, 05:54 PM
Yes, I am desperate, with this....why it takes to much time! I am suffering a lot with this,
nobody can imagine...Thanks for your words!

16-10-2013, 05:57 PM
It is so frustrating iv been there, I sent mine off the end of July and have only in this last month had a pre reg visit and I am still awaiting certificate! All I could do was just to keep emailing and phoning! So keep in there anytime now I'm sure it will clear finger crossed you hear something soon hayley x

Hello you
16-10-2013, 06:30 PM
Thanks, you are lovely! But to me is simple because I am not going to childminding at my home, it is only a plain OFSTED register to work to children's home, so I don't understand WHY it is complicate, I have been doing it for already 3 months, it is a nightmare in my life. I need to work, parents are waiting for my register OFSTED, it is very important!
Thank you very much!

It is so frustrating iv been there, I sent mine off the end of July and have only in this last month had a pre reg visit and I am still awaiting certificate! All I could do was just to keep emailing and phoning! So keep in there anytime now I'm sure it will clear finger crossed you hear something soon hayley x

Hello you
17-10-2013, 06:30 AM
Please everyone, give me advices about what happen....2 months to social checks
is to much :panic:

17-10-2013, 08:26 AM
I had a delay with mine. Had to have checks done with my current and previous LA for both me and Mrs B. All came back promptly, except for Mrs B's from my previous LA, so clearly no good reason for the delay of just one check. I therefore rang the LA directly, instead of going through Ofsted (why should they care?) and things got moving. It had just been put to one side and not dealt with or slipped under some clerk's desk or something, as the one phone call was all it took.

IIWY, I'd call Southwark directly. Tell them they must sort it out within 7 days or you will raise a complaint with the local government ombudsman Local Government Ombudsman • Home (http://www.lgo.org.uk/) . While you're at it, contact your local councillor and MP to get some added weight behind your case. :thumbsup:

Hello you
17-10-2013, 08:35 AM
I really appreciate your message, thank you very much! I need to call them
and explain them that I have been doing my OFSTED registered give them a
number OFSTED, isn'it?
I am living a nightmare...and just to be Childcare home, not childminding at my home!

I had a delay with mine. Had to have checks done with my current and previous LA for both me

and Mrs B. All came back promptly, except for Mrs B's from my previous LA, so clearly no good reason for the delay of just one check. I therefore rang the LA directly, instead of going through Ofsted (why should they care?) and things got moving. It had just been put to one side and not dealt with or slipped under some clerk's desk or something, as the one phone call was all it took.

IIWY, I'd call Southwark directly. Tell them they must sort it out within 7 days or you will raise a complaint with the local government ombudsman Local Government Ombudsman • Home (http://www.lgo.org.uk/) . While you're at it, contact your local councillor and MP to get some added weight behind your case. :thumbsup: