View Full Version : Best double pram is ??????

08-10-2013, 12:05 PM
I'm looking to buy a new double pram. Not too expensive. What you suggest? X

08-10-2013, 12:11 PM
It all depends on what you want to do with it!

If you plan on putting it in your car, I would start by asking what are the best prams to fit in car X when all seven seats are up.

I have a buggy for my grand Picasso, another for my husbands Zafira (my old car) and another that I like that does not fit in either car!!

Good luck

08-10-2013, 12:14 PM
I love my baby jogger, but it is too big to fit through the door and I can only have 6 seats in my grand scenic. It is a dream to push if you do a lot of walking like I do.

mrs robbie williams
08-10-2013, 12:45 PM
love my double nipper :) fits in my zaffy no probs xx

08-10-2013, 10:36 PM
I was looking out for a second hand jogger or nipper but I got a mamas and papas twin tempo off Ebay for £50 and it's doing it's job so far....the hoods have an annoying habit of popping off and it does need a bit of welly if you try and turn it from standing still but it's light enough to push once you get going, has really good sized baskets, fully reclines, kids seem happy AND it folds up smaller than my Recaro single! Not sure what they cost full price but value for money second hand I'm v happy! x

08-10-2013, 10:37 PM
Sorry just read your post again and realised you said you're after a new one....so ignore the bit about second hand! x

09-10-2013, 09:54 AM
i have tried two double buggies - first a side by side one and my own fault measured front door wrong, so it had to go back.

second, which i have now (Hauck) with seat at the back. it is simply heavy and cumbersome, getting it in and out of the car for the two school runs i do. and yesterday mindee cried because he didnt want to go in the back!!!!

now that has convinced me i dont like this buggy. it is good, because it converts into one pram when needed, but was thinking and researching, before mindee comes again today about the pushchair connectors (on amazon) to link two pushchairs together. so could have two strollers and clip togeteher to make a double when needed. easier and lighter than a double!!!

anyone used these????

09-10-2013, 10:04 AM
I loved my Urban Detour twin when my own children were little but it's big so best for if you do more walking than driving. You will need a big boot if it needs to go in the car! For minding I have just bought a Joovy Caboose Ultralight. It has a seat on the front suitable from 6 months and a built in buggy board and mini seat on the back for an older child. I love it! Rain cover fits over both children, has loads of room in the bottom for luggage and older child can sit or stand. Much less back breaking than a buggy board! Front seat reclines too. I'm using it for 2 preschoolers so it's heavy but then again I think any pushchair would be with 2 bigger children rather than baby/babies.

09-10-2013, 10:13 AM
I have had two in the past, a side by side maclaren called twin explorer I think, it was second hand, but so difficult to push, and it didn't last long as the children got heavier it started to buckle (they were only 18months when I threw it so they weren't that heavy!) and now I have a phil and teds, I brought it off gumtree but was only used once. I love it, it's very smooth to push and has the single bar, rather than handles, to push it. It doesn't fold easily though so if you need it to go in car I wouldn't recommend it!

11-10-2013, 04:52 PM
I have a cosetto twin owl and pussy cat......and i have also put a buggy board attachment.......dream to push.....and can fit neatly in my touran....but cant use the 7th seat. I can get it in and out of my front door and never had a problem with it....fingers crossed. ...paid £197 new of amazon x