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04-10-2013, 01:33 PM
Would you use conkers as a resource for an 18 month old. I would be sat with him the whole time and I feel perfectly safe but my cm friend said I am being stupid

04-10-2013, 01:37 PM
Yes, I would with 1:1 supervision.
But you can also drill holes through them and thread them on string to make 'conker-caterpillars', with big strong knots at each end, which might feel a bit safer for little ones likely to put things in mouths.

04-10-2013, 01:56 PM
I would. I have them in my garden I would be hard pushed not to let them.

04-10-2013, 02:11 PM
Yes, definitely. Its a great educational activity for them. I've used many 'stupid' things with my 15 and 17 mo's including marbles, conkers, pebbles and feathers
All of which they COULD choke on but I'm confident in my own supervision of the activities and they way I see it is they could pick up a little pebble outside and pop it in their mouths, I'd rather they explored safely with me there and learn not to put small things in their mouths as early as possible

04-10-2013, 10:09 PM
I would. I have them in my garden I would be hard pushed not to let them.

I'm so envious . We spent hours on a woodland walk searching for conkers . Then one wee fella spent ages kicking the ball up into the trees to try and knock some down . ...we did get a load of acorns though.