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View Full Version : Why teaching table manners can do more harm than good

03-10-2013, 06:25 PM

Why teaching table manners can do more harm than good | Life and style | theguardian.com (http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2013/oct/03/teaching-table-manners-play-food-children)

03-10-2013, 06:53 PM
The words balance comes to mind...

Yes it is important to teach manners..how to cut, hold a knife and fork.

but yes I also think it is important for them to learn about textures and the sensory side of food...

It isn't an all or nothing approach

03-10-2013, 07:04 PM
Hmmm toughie!
I personally genuinely don't mind if little kids squish their food on the table but I get why others do, as they want to keep things clean and hygienic (I'm thinking of 2 littlies with their hands in each others food then eating it, passing gorgeous germs along!)
There is a limit though lol, for example school wouldn't allow children to put their hands in their food and smear it on the table so we can't encourage them to that in our care, then they get into trouble for it at school as they would get confused!
I'd say by four they should be aware of table manners and encouraged to sit nicely, to attempt to cut with a knife, eat with a fork
Babies like the texture of food and I wouldn't tell a baby off for playing with their food but as they get older table manners are important, and are expected in society
When me my partner and 5yo go out to restaurants I'd be really annoyed if she threw her food on the table on started splatting it with her hands because its rude and at 5 some level of table manners are expected, in my opinion.
I provide loads of opportunity for children to explore senses and textures so mealtimes aren't really for the older ones to decide they want to know how mashed up lasagne feels, we'll do cooked pasta exploring the next day:D

03-10-2013, 07:35 PM
Interestingly, I have a LO, 9 months, who hasn't been eating very well. Today I decided to let LO put his (clean) fingers in the bowl of food. Once the food had gone from fingers to mouth, said mouth was happily opened for spoonfuls from me while LO was also holding a spoon and attempting to use it to eat. Clear up took ages (food in hair etc.) but all food was devoured!

03-10-2013, 10:15 PM
I let DS10months eat with his fingers. He has always had what even I happen to be eating ever since he was 5 months old and grabbed a lettuce leaf off my plate and ate it.

I always offer him a spoon but that goes on the floor almost instantly. Instead I'm going for the role play with the play kitchen and he will feed me pretend food from the bowl with the spoon. After a while I'm hoping this will transfer to the table.

Ds is not fussy about his food (yet) will just as happily eat carrots as cake. The only thing he won't eat is porridge he will happily play with it.

I'm a believer in playing with food. They have to grow up so fast why not let them have a bit of fun.