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03-10-2013, 05:06 PM
Can I just ask what records you all keep in the child's individual daily diary? Do you keep them and let parents see them or give them it every night?

03-10-2013, 05:41 PM
No records are kept in the daily diary, it is purely for parents to have a daily record of what the child has done, depending on age l include food, naps, mood, nappies, what they have enjoyed playing with, things they have said/new words, if went out. l ask parent to comment and put a bit about the weekend in some do some don't.

03-10-2013, 05:44 PM
Can I just ask what records you all keep in the child's individual daily diary? Do you keep them and let parents see them or give them it every night?

My daily diaries stay with the child (a regular A5 spiral bound note book)- they bring them in the morning and parents write in about how child has slept, what they had for breakfast, any other news or questions. I keep it open on my table all day and note as we go along- all food, dirty nappies, naps, where we have been/what we have done, any funny/clever things little one has done (NOT complete obs but just little things) and note like 'please bring more nappies' or 'remember I am closed next week' etc. The it goes back with child at the end of the day. Works very well and all my families as have used it.