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View Full Version : Feeling bad!

27-09-2013, 02:46 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm in the process of starting childminding. Been to 2 sessions ran by local council and about to apply to become a childminder.

I am currently a primary school teacher but am wanting to CM. It's been what I've wanted to do for about 2 years now, even before I had my DD but I could never get up the courage to leave the security of my job.

My daughter (7 months) goes to a lovely CM 2 days a week while I go to work. I am planning to hand in my notice to leave school at the end of this term but I'm really struggling with guilt about ending our contract with our CM to become one myself - it just feels a bit bad I suppose!

How would you feel if one of your parents became a CM? Is it bad or am I over thinking?

27-09-2013, 03:45 PM
I'm also in the process of registering and I too feel guilty of telling my childminder! I'm planning on telling her next month when we sit down to talk about my daughter's 2 year check.

If I think about it logically though, she is an extremely kind hearted person so I think she would be pleased for us, I'm also hoping that we can remain in contact and perhaps arrange outings together occasionally.

27-09-2013, 03:47 PM
do you have a good enough relationship with your cm to just talk it over with them? I think the open and honest approach is always best. Maybe let them know that they have inspired you?

27-09-2013, 03:52 PM
I'm a childminder and one of my mums is in the process of registering, I did kind of figure it out from posts she put on fb, and then she did tell me. I would just be honest with her, I'm sure she will be professional even if she's a bit sad/upset/worried/cross inside, like most cm's she probably has children's best interests at heart and will probably be very helpful and view your decision in a good light and see that you will be another childminding friend and allyxxx

27-09-2013, 04:01 PM
About 5 yrs ago one of my mums was pregnant with her 2nd child and I knew she was struggling with the idea of going back to work. I suggested childminding to her as she was/is such a great mum, she wasn't sure at first but is now an outstanding childminder. I couldn't be more pleased for her, there is room for all of us (where I live anyway) and each childminder offers a different environment that suits different families.
As the others have said, just be honest , she will appreciate the early heads up and may be a wealth of assistance :-)

27-09-2013, 04:04 PM
Thanks for the replies :)

She is very lovely so I can't see her being too cross about it. At the moment my daughter has only been with her a month so not a lot of time to build up a really good relationship.

Letting her know she's inspired me is a good idea! She does have 25 years experience and is a great CM.

I commute over an hour each way to work everyday and she knows I'm not enjoying that (we moved to a different town after having DD to be closer to my family) so maybe in the next few weeks I can build up the courage to tell her! Thanks for the advice!

27-09-2013, 04:33 PM
im sure it will be fine x dont leave it too late though as it is better to know sooner than later. Maybe she will guide you on the systems she uses and support you with your training?

27-09-2013, 04:43 PM
If one of my mums decided to become a cm I would be happy. And if they said I had inspired them I would be flattered!

One of my mums did look at being a cm but she felt she couldn't give up her home like I have done... I said she didn't need to but she said she felt I did such a good job she would have to be just like me.

She is now training to be a TA

Wibble xx