View Full Version : Help and advise needed please

26-09-2013, 02:45 PM
Hi, i live in a flat, and my adjoining neighbour (not in my block) and i have balconies right next to each other (1-2 inch gap) he smokes cannabis every day out on his balcony and has his mates round that do this. (He doesn't smoke inside from what i can tell) The fumes all come in to my flat!! So I've started spraying air freshener out onto the balcony so it masks the smell and also to get them to see how its impacting on me!!

Anyway they have been muttering amongst them selves (obviously this annoys them!)

But when i start minding i obviously cant risk having them out on the balcony.

So I'm hoping there is something i can do about this??

Anyone i can contact that will take action?

And how will it effect my chances of passing my pre reg? X

TIA :-)

26-09-2013, 03:28 PM
How awful for you are they renting the flat you could get onto the land lord, if not l don't know what to suggest not sure that the police would be interested you could try your local council statutory nuisance this would come under smoke, fumes and gases l would keep on annoying them and keep spraying the air freshener. Good luck.

The Juggler
26-09-2013, 03:52 PM
i agree, report to the landlord !

26-09-2013, 04:15 PM
Report to Landlord/council if the flat is rented or ask your local Community Support Officer to pay a visit.

26-09-2013, 04:25 PM
We are housing association, they are different to mine.

I have had noise issues with him so went through his HA and they proved un helpful. I then got the council involved and its stopped immediately!

Didn't know the was a smoke and fumes complaints section i will look into that. Thanks

Yes i will continue with the air freshener ;-)

Just getting so frustrated with them, id love to move but just don't have the money. X

27-09-2013, 04:12 AM
I have the same issue with my next door neighbours!.. I have to hope beyond hope that they are not doing it when parents come round and am forced to keep my back door closed..
I was a nervous wreck when ofsted came out.

This is an ongoing issue with us as it was happening before I started thinking of childminding, despite going round there and asking them to be a bit more considerate to slamming my doors and windows while loudly saying about the smell etc lol

I am a council tenant and so is my neighbour, I rang the council and they said I needed to report it to the police everytime she smokes it and if it is a nuisance to me.
Called the police and said I'm really sorry but I need to report it for the council etc etc. straight away they reassured me that I was not to be sorry, they are breaking the law and report it everytime.
So everytime I call the police and then I notify the council, I might also add that she has also nearly lost her house due to rent arrears, but got away with it.
I have yet to see a police officer go round, I have yet to hear anything from the council. However I am extremely stubborn and will keep reporting until they finally do something. It is so easy to just give in, but not this time.

Good luck and persevere xx

27-09-2013, 08:02 AM
I have the same issue with my next door neighbours!.. I have to hope beyond hope that they are not doing it when parents come round and am forced to keep my back door closed.. I was a nervous wreck when ofsted came out. This is an ongoing issue with us as it was happening before I started thinking of childminding, despite going round there and asking them to be a bit more considerate to slamming my doors and windows while loudly saying about the smell etc lol I am a council tenant and so is my neighbour, I rang the council and they said I needed to report it to the police everytime she smokes it and if it is a nuisance to me. Called the police and said I'm really sorry but I need to report it for the council etc etc. straight away they reassured me that I was not to be sorry, they are breaking the law and report it everytime. So everytime I call the police and then I notify the council, I might also add that she has also nearly lost her house due to rent arrears, but got away with it. I have yet to see a police officer go round, I have yet to hear anything from the council. However I am extremely stubborn and will keep reporting until they finally do something. It is so easy to just give in, but not this time. Good luck and persevere xx

Morning, thanks for replying.

Do you dial 999? Or is there another number?

Ive only got a small balcony so its not a major issue going out side. But i should be able to have the option in my own home weather or not i have my door open. And as I'm a new build its ratter warm so its a must to have free flowing air.

This man is unapproachable. So I'm contacting his housing officer direct as i have her details from all the noise issues.

Will give the council a call to. Is there a specific dept i need?

Thanks again. :-) x

27-09-2013, 08:15 AM
101 is the non emergency police number.

27-09-2013, 08:56 AM
101 is the non emergency police number.

Thats the one i was going to use. Ive never done anything like this so bit apprehensive. :-/

hectors house
27-09-2013, 09:15 AM
It is a tricky situation to be in, but I would be careful about upsetting neighbours. A friend of mine childminded as well as running a bed and breakfast business (mostly for contractors in the week who had left before minded children arrived) but they had a shared drive and the neighbour hated seeing the white vans parked on my friends side of the drive in the evenings and as he couldn't complain to anyone about the B & B, he started making malicious complaints to Ofsted - she had 2 unannounced visits due to this neighbour complaints. Eventually she built a wall to divide the drives and gave up childminding and luckily that neighbour has now moved.

27-09-2013, 11:56 AM
I report her because I am not going to be a prisoner in my own home.. I do not get intimidated by people and I will continue to report her. At the end of the day she is breaking the law.

I just phone my local police station and then the housing office for our area. I will continue to report her. I do not agree with not saying anything for fear of them reporting me to ofsted, it is not only minded children it is my children too. I would rather give up childminding and get a 9-5 than allow her to get away with it.

27-09-2013, 12:54 PM
My neighbours do that too. Have you asked them ...nicely?

I spoke to my neighbours very politely when I first moved in and smelled it, and they were so nice, I said I have no problem with them doing as they please on their own property but would they just mind not smoking it outside when the children are outside playing and they were so polite and apologetic, we've got on very well ever since. I was really surprised and pleased because they come across a bit intimidating at first glance, I was so relieved because we moved to this house because our previous neighbours had drinking and aggression problems!

If they are unhelpful, rude or aggressive people I wouldn't bother though, just report them. :thumbsup:

27-09-2013, 12:57 PM
Just read that he's unapproachable, shame, make that call, be brave!

27-09-2013, 04:15 PM
I have asked them so many times.. They even said no it isn't them when their house blatantly smelt of it.. I asked her very politely then that she changed her air freshener as it is a little strong!.. In the end I just said to her that I was going to be getting in contact with the council then due to the nasty smell and I don't want it affecting my children.. Goes quiet for a couple of days then comes back xx

27-09-2013, 04:16 PM
You definitely have to report it and keep reporting it xx

02-10-2013, 03:32 PM
Thanks for your support :-) i bit the bullet and called 101 today.
So many questions to answer!
But they are going to send out a safer neighbour hood team officer out to have a chat with them.

Altho i did it anonymously i still feel really nervous about seeing him. Just incase he works out it was me.

Im not sure if this info is passed onto his housing officer or weather I should do it... Or just leave it as it is. :-/ x

05-10-2013, 03:54 PM
Grrr... Very annoyed at the mo. It seems my efforts are falling on deaf ears.

Today has been crap with regards to my very considerate and sharing neighbour as he has his mates over smoking cannabis non stop and playing loud music! (The music had stopped being an issue after i got the council involved, back during the summer holidays).

I feel as if its a middle finger going up at me for reporting him.

Im not sure this is a battle i want to continue with :-(

So glad we are off out for my nephews birthday meal later and then staying at my mums tonight.

05-10-2013, 04:17 PM
It's such a shame that this...idiot is ruining your shiny exciting hopes and ideas for childminding
I'd be furious!
You're trying to set up a business and he's smoking weed next door, potentially losing you clients and making your house smell 'fragrant'
There's a house in my village and when i walk past it, I swear, I'm high as a kite! How they can think no one will notice is beyond me, it's such a powerful smell and surely if the police or Council went round they'd smell it too. I haven't reported it because its nowhere near my house, but if I lived next door I would!
I can imagine why you do want to just think its not worth it but if it deters him in the end then it will be. But if he turns nasty..
When you phoned 101 did you explain that you plan to Childmind from the premises, see if that makes a difference x