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View Full Version : For the letter writers out there

14-07-2008, 06:06 PM
Any chance you can help me draft a letter.

I need to ask parents of mindee to help with cost of a session. So far i have paid all toddler group fees & for any outings that we have been on. Problem is its getting to expensive. I have 2 more mindees due to start 1 in Aug & 1 end of Sept to can not afford to pay for all these outings for them all.

I basically want the parents of my current mindee to pay for a session a week. Its usually a £5 session each child but they do a child sibling reduction where the 2nd child doesn't pay. The organisers have ok'd the reduction for my dd & 1 mindee so will only pay £2.50 each kind of thing. I will have another mindee coming along so can sort there payment out with parents.

I have to draw up a new contract for current mindee as we are changing the hours from September so was going to add this into there contract.

I want to give the parents a letter though forst to make sure its ok & have tried writing one up but each time it sounds rubbish!!

Can anyone give me a few pointers - thank you!!!

Hope all my rambeling makes sense!!

14-07-2008, 06:12 PM
Got to go jet washing in a mo, but will have a think while I am out there.

Nothing else to think about :D

14-07-2008, 06:14 PM
Thank you :)

14-07-2008, 06:17 PM
i have like a memo i send out

as of the 1st september their will be certain change made to all contracts etc and add it in

or do it in a newsletter so it quicker than a letter

14-07-2008, 06:38 PM
I would write to all parents ...

From September, I am not going to be able to fund outings. The cost of outings to xx will be xx. I will include the cost of the outing in your bill.

If parents complain though, you might end up in the situation where you either carry on paying or don't go ... :(

14-07-2008, 06:41 PM
I would write to all parents ...

From September, I am not going to be able to fund outings. The cost of outings to xx will be xx. I will include the cost of the outing in your bill.

If parents complain though, you might end up in the situation where you either carry on paying or don't go ... :(

worded better i think

mine just say add it on now, and arnt bothered i think their is only my stingy parents that would question it, or say no:angry: :angry:

14-07-2008, 06:44 PM
£5 per session at a toddler group??? what do they do there? the toddler groups i go to are about 50p per session (not child)

or have I missed something?

other then that this sounds fine

to all parents ...

From September, I am not going to be able to fund outings. The cost of outings to xx will be xx. I will include the cost of the outing in your bill.

14-07-2008, 07:45 PM
Its a talking Tots group.

They also have a £10 per year membership fee that needs paying :rolleyes:

14-07-2008, 09:26 PM
Did you get your letter sorted out Kate ? I will help if I can !

Angel xx

15-07-2008, 07:11 AM
Its a talking Tots group.

They also have a £10 per year membership fee that needs paying :rolleyes:

sorry Im being a bit dim, whats a talking tots group? Ive never heard of these???
:blush: :blush: :blush:

15-07-2008, 08:19 AM
sorry Im being a bit dim, whats a talking tots group? Ive never heard of these???
:blush: :blush: :blush:

Sorry Emma - I don't know if they have them everywhere.

Its a class that helps children develop social confidence, listening & attention skills, sharing & turn taking skills, word meaning & vocabulary, narrative ability & phonological awareness.

The leaflet goes onto explain:
These unique classes, which follow the developmental stages of language, are bursting with fun ideas & games! Watch your child's language skills blossom, as they enjoy a variety of exciting & exclusive Talking Tots' activities!

The classes run in 3 sections:
Speech sprinters (12 months - 2 years)
Speech Sprinters (2 years - 3 years)
Speech Sparklers (3 years - pre-school)

Wow feel like i've just done a sales pitch for them:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

15-07-2008, 08:20 AM
Did you get your letter sorted out Kate ? I will help if I can !

Angel xx

Thanks Angel. I have written them a nice friendly letter. I only have these parents at the mo as the others haven't started yet so didn't want to make the letter to formal.

Thanks again though :)

15-07-2008, 08:46 AM
Sorry Emma - I don't know if they have them everywhere.

Its a class that helps children develop social confidence, listening & attention skills, sharing & turn taking skills, word meaning & vocabulary, narrative ability & phonological awareness.

The leaflet goes onto explain:
These unique classes, which follow the developmental stages of language, are bursting with fun ideas & games! Watch your child's language skills blossom, as they enjoy a variety of exciting & exclusive Talking Tots' activities!

The classes run in 3 sections:
Speech sprinters (12 months - 2 years)
Speech Sprinters (2 years - 3 years)
Speech Sparklers (3 years - pre-school)

Wow feel like i've just done a sales pitch for them:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: ah i see! well in that case i would deffinitly charge them.......

15-07-2008, 09:08 AM
i would def charge them for this one. it seems a real good learning place for their kiddies they wouldn't be getting if it weren't for you taking them so i dont think you should end up out of pocket.

have fun though- iot sounds great xx

love amanda xx

15-07-2008, 09:21 AM
Talking Tots looks interesting, I would pay if it were my child.