View Full Version : Poor dd :(

24-09-2013, 10:54 AM
My dd started her periods yesterday afternoon at school. She only turned 11 in May :(

I feel so sorry for her, although I had prepared her and spoken about it she's so young to have to deal with it all. I was nearly 13, my Mum was 15 and her friends Mum was 17 so 11 is just so young :( I know its part of growing up and us women have to put up with it but it breaks my heart that she's got to deal with this every month from now on.

I woke her up this morning and I wasn't going to let her stay at home but I took one look at her and asked her if she wanted to stay at home. She said yes, but 15mins later she said she wanted to go.
She was worried about being allowed to go to the toilet and having time between lessons to go without having to rush. Poor love, I could cry :(

She seemed ok when she left for school. I'm dying to ring in and see how she is but I know she would hate it if the teachers knew and came to see how she was so I'm probably going to leave it.

24-09-2013, 11:01 AM
Poor DD x

I started at 11 and i felt the same as her but my mum hadnt prepared me at all and in fact did the opposite and made me really worry more about it. So good on you for being so great with her x

I was lucky in that i always got my period on a thursday in the same lesson, the teacher must have wondered why i was always going to the loo lol.

I hope your dd doesnt find them too stressful or painful xxx

I do agree with you not phoning school too as you are probably right that she wouldnt want the extra attention x

24-09-2013, 11:05 AM
I was 11, and my mum did not prepare me at all i thought i was dying!

We were on holiday too, was awful.

Your daughter will be fine an i agree not making a fuss over it x

24-09-2013, 11:07 AM
Aw poor dd! My girls are 12 and 10 and I don't think it will be too long Til the ten year old starts so I can imagine how you feel! Sounds like you handled it was well as you could have though . And you are right not to ring school , try and breathe and hold on know its hard! Sure if she can't cope she will tell them she is sick and come home .. Hugs to you xx

24-09-2013, 11:24 AM
I think it's a relief to get the first one over and done with because now she knows what to expect and roughly when. I remember dreading all the embarrassing places that I could have got my first one - we used to have to wear a white leotard for dance class and I was so worried it would happen then. Do you know how the school handles situations like getting changed for PE or swimming lessons? I think it is worth having a discreet word with the teacher just to let her know that DD has started her periods. As a teacher I would want to know just so that I could keep a special eye out so to speak. He/she won't say anything and should be quite used to it. Congratulatons - it's another (bitter sweet) milestone. x

24-09-2013, 12:36 PM
Aww your poor daughter - know exactly how you feel as my daughter started them when she was 10 (is now 11) and seemed so young - they hadn't even done sex ed at school yet but I had guessed it was coming and prepared her - she really hates it and gets embarrassed talking about it - also has terrible mood swings with them - I think she is just too young to cope with puberty yet but unfortunately nothing we can do!! I started at 11 and I struggled as well xxx

24-09-2013, 12:54 PM
Thanks all. Its good to know she's not alone being so young. Its a right pain what we have to go through isn't it.... :angry:
My son is 14yrs and only thing he's had to deal with is a lower voice and the fact that he needs to start shaving soon :rolleyes:

I'm sure she'll be fine and will give her a big hug when she gets home :D
My mum didn't really prepare me that well. I've promised myself to be more open with my children and so far its working well.

24-09-2013, 12:58 PM
Aw bless her. I was also 11. My mum had given me a book but I still wasn't ready and it was a bit of a shock. She kept "supplies" in the bathroom and I hated having to say they were running out as we never spoke about anything private. I really hope I am different with my dd. she's 8 at the weekend. When did you talk to your dd about it all? I was thinking about 9?