View Full Version : Help Activities for my Ofsted Inspection

16-09-2013, 04:27 PM
Hi I have just received a call for my Ofsted inspection for this Wednesday, can someone help with a great idea for a 17mth old and a nearly 3 year old. That would look good for Ofsted, and would keep them entertained for a while. Thanks, Nicky

16-09-2013, 05:53 PM
Go and collect leaves and do leaf printing/rubbing when inspection on following on from previous activity, make sure you tell her this....
We did mega block printing a couple of weeks ago then had the bricks out to play with, build towers and talked about colours.....
3 year old helping to set table
Choosing their own snack from a plate of healthy options
Reading stories using puppets/ props
Last week we did a day on ducks Sang 5 little ducks, printed off colourable then older child can help cut out a duck using scissors with help, young one could do yellow finger painting on duck shape.....

Good luck xxx

16-09-2013, 06:49 PM
I'd stick with a tried and tested old favourite. An inspection is not the time to try something new and find they don't like it/get bored/it doesn't work out/you haven't got the resources etc. What do they love doing with you? Go with that. It will be fine.

hectors house
16-09-2013, 09:04 PM
Like others have said - do something the children like doing but just try to include some next steps that you observed last time. I got picked up last time as I wrote for a next step to finger painting "try some gloop next time", the inspector asked if I had tried Gloop and I had to say "No". Good luck :)

16-09-2013, 09:36 PM
I'd stick with a tried and tested old favourite. An inspection is not the time to try something new and find they don't like it/get bored/it doesn't work out/you haven't got the resources etc. What do they love doing with you? Go with that. It will be fine.

I agree with this - you know your children so base activities on what they like doing or just be prepared to go with the flow.

Miffy xx