View Full Version : Sharing

25-08-2013, 11:15 AM
Hi Sarah

I'm not sure if you do requests, but thought I'd ask anyhow as I understand if you can't as you're a busy lady.

I have mainly two year olds and I feel like I'm teaching them about sharing or taking turns all day.

I've got grabbers, squealers, hoarders, you name it, all the different types of reactions to wanting something another child has or having their 'possession' wanted by another child.

I don't want to turn into a nursery and have three copies of the same thing to stop arguments.

Your e-books are fab. I've read and re-read the behaviour one. Any chance you could do a mini-book focussing on just this topic?



25-08-2013, 11:32 AM
This might be of interest. I started a thread a while ago about sharing


25-08-2013, 12:07 PM
Hi Hannah thank you for your lovely feedback!

What you are talking about is pretty normal 2 year old developmentally appropriate behaviour :laughing: I often have to reassure parents - it's normal, don't worry about it, let's work together doing xx or yy.

They learn about sharing and turn taking when they receive consistent support and encouragement from adults around them - at home, with you etc.

However, they don't learn overnight because they don't have the cognitive ability to understand what you are trying to teach them until they are a bit older...

I find the writing of Janet Lansbury totally inspiring. She talks about how respectful parenting (and caring) can transform outcomes for children - by acknowledging their very real pain we are saying 'it's ok to feel unhappy / upset / angry - I give you permission to feel like that - how are we going to resolve it?'

Here's her website - The Surprisingly Positive Results of Respectful Parenting – 5 RIE Baby Basics | Janet Lansbury (http://www.janetlansbury.com/2013/01/the-surprisingly-positive-results-of-respectful-parenting-5-rie-baby-basics/) - she also has lots of blogs, a number on this subject :D

25-08-2013, 02:27 PM
Thanks for your responses x