View Full Version : Constructive criticism...

Bumble Beez
25-08-2013, 08:10 AM
Making Criticism Useful

Are you a person who doesn't take criticism well? I'm most certainly not!
I hate criticism...however since being a childminder I've had to get used to it lol...

Let's face it...not many of us enjoy being criticised!
However, if you are resilient enough to take the negative feedback and do something positive and useful with it, you can use it to change your life for the better.

What can you do with criticism?

Learn from it
Use it as motivation to perfect your skills
Use it as fuel to get to the next level
Let it inspire you to "prove them wrong"
Be grateful because it keeps you humble
Toss it out (if you genuinely disagree with it)

It doesn't really matter what you do with it, as long as you're using it for something worthwhile :clapping:

Sarah x

25-08-2013, 12:11 PM
I talk about this a lot in relation to asking parents for their opinion in questionnaires. I get a lot of cms who come to me very upset because parents have put something negative - it's very hard not to take it personally.

However, i totally agree that by using criticism wisely we can take on board what is asked of us and improve what we do :thumbsup: :D

25-08-2013, 03:38 PM
I think it all relates to how parents word it too.

'The food is terrible'

'Id like the food to be vastly improved'

If take the second on board, the first one I'd be offended.

25-08-2013, 03:58 PM
I agree that we don't take criticism very well and it's the way it's written.... But then why do we send out questionnaires? I like to think that I learn from them (after my initial baulk at whats said) :)

Sometimes though parents say things for the sake of saying something rather than nothing :panic: for example a parent said she thought that we should have set times for changing nappies and can't understand why we don't as the Children's Centre do this. !!!!!!!!

I sent out specific questions to all my parents asking them if they thought my setting was welcoming to them and their child, what they particularly liked and if they had any suggestions on how we could improve anything... I had all positive comments except one parent said that we had lots of time on hand over but when a few parents arrived at the same time for pick up it seemed hurried. I addressed this and made sure I made time for everyone.

We are on a continual learning curve in our job and need to assess and change all the time :)

26-08-2013, 09:56 PM
Hmm, food for thought... I am glad you raised the subject and it has reminded me that I should do another questionnaire myself!

27-08-2013, 08:01 AM
I don't take it well...lol

Im a perfectionist and hate it when things can be improved..... :laughing: Although my SEF has lots of areas where I'm looking to improve but that's my decision not what someone has said or commented on.

My parent questionnaires were sent out last year and 7 sets of parents gave me 5/5 in all areas. 1 parent gave me a 4 in one area and I was horrified. I sat for hours pondering why..... lol

I need to chill :thumbsup: