View Full Version : Head Lice Policy

13-08-2013, 08:15 PM
Hi there

I have not got a head lice policy and now find myself in a position where I think I need one. Bit tricky though. A girl I recently took on for school runs came home with a letter re nits in class. a few days later both I and my daughter have live head lice. I mentioned this to the mum to let her know and she said she would check her daughter. She then said she was clear. THen the mum says she has them too.....She said she checked her daughter and again said she was clear. THe next day I look down to see lice crawling visibly over the girls hair. I spoke to the mum who asked if I could use a treatment - she says she has not usually done this as finds that just using conditioner works fine (she is a hairdresser). I treated her hair and there were literally hundreds of lice and eggs - too many to comb all the eggs our whilst I had other children with me. The policices I have seen on line say that the CM is happy to help with treatment etc. I am but this mum is not treating and is now leaving it to me. She has lied about checking her and I am worried I am now setting a precedent.

Any advice please!!

14-08-2013, 05:33 PM
I don't treat children - that is the parents job!! What if the child has an allergic reaction to the shampoo?? Then you will be the one in a pickle legally :(

If parents aren't treating it they need to keep their child at home until their head is clear - and then do it however many days later to get the newly hatched ones.

Fair enough if they don't want to use medication - that is their choice - but they must treat it at home properly.

I don't think you need a policy - just be firm. Hugs xx

15-08-2013, 10:23 AM
I'm in same position I told parents two days ago and they still haven't treated. I'm reluctant to comment again as already had a running with parents over sibling last week, they may think I'm just being awkward :-(

Scratch scratch!