View Full Version : Struggling with planning activities for 17m & 21m

09-08-2013, 03:14 PM
Both are not interested in planned activities for more than 5 seconds...I'm losing motivation and ideas. We've exhausted painting and sticking tbh even though they love it. I look at some stuff others do and feel they wouldn't benefit as too young and ate ruin spans of nats but then feel guilty as I really think they are bored coming here.

Both Monday-Friday 8-6pm.

Any idea to get my motivation back? Only been minding 10 months :-(


09-08-2013, 06:41 PM
How about 'posting' activities? Mine used to love being given a big container (plastic tub, empty milk powder tub etc.) and they would spend ages putting things in there (one used to put all the Thomas trains in there, tip them out and then start again, another used to put old lids into tubs). Do they like messy play, for example a big tray of uncooked pasta with scoops and containers? Sand and water?