View Full Version : June's blog on current Ofsted strategy

05-08-2013, 11:45 AM
As promised June O'Sullivan has produced a blog on Ofsted current strategy for inspections
There is a need to engage positively with Ofsted

Please leave a comment...it will help as this involves cms too
Is the current Ofsted strategy masking something far more sinister? | June O'Sullivan's blog | London Early Year's Foundation (http://www.leyf.org.uk/blog/is-the-current-ofsted-strategy-masking-something-far-more-sinister/)

05-08-2013, 06:35 PM
It is an excellent blog - I've just linked to it in another thread - it says a lot of things that I have been thinking for a while.

It is also backed up by PLA's concerns - https://www.pre-school.org.uk/media/press-releases/394/alliance-concern-about-growing-unfairness-of-ofsted-inspections

AND the blog by Kids Allowed - Ofsted, their new culture of fear, and why it is dangerous for children. (http://www.kidsallowed.com/social/ofsted-their-new-culture-of-fear-and-why-it-is-dangerous-for-children/)

Something is definitely going on with Ofsted. They are doing things differently across the sector and we need to find out why before it's too late :(

06-08-2013, 10:52 AM
It is an excellent blog - I've just linked to it in another thread - it says a lot of things that I have been thinking for a while.

It is also backed up by PLA's concerns - https://www.pre-school.org.uk/media/press-releases/394/alliance-concern-about-growing-unfairness-of-ofsted-inspections

AND the blog by Kids Allowed - Ofsted, their new culture of fear, and why it is dangerous for children. (http://www.kidsallowed.com/social/ofsted-their-new-culture-of-fear-and-why-it-is-dangerous-for-children/)

Something is definitely going on with Ofsted. They are doing things differently across the sector and we need to find out why before it's too late :(

Yes we need to do something about it and we need to be proactive too
Both nurseries and preschools are very 'worried' at the Ofsted inspection outcomes and they want to do something about it
PLA and NDNA are worried about inspections but I can't speak for the other 3 associations representing cms....can you?

I brought to the attention of this group that cms too are having issues with inspectors, grading and generally feeling unsure what an inspection outcome will be.
The group has taken this on board and will include cms ...I don't know what their next move is but it seems we need to gather views from across the sector and ...maybe engage with Ofsted to find answers

We need to be seen as wanting to be included...no one can speak for ALL cms...
I would be happy to make any contribution...

I can say now I am a bit unsure about my next inspection
will I have everything in place?
has my practice deteriorated although I know I have improved it?
will the inspector give me a deserved grade only for it to be downgraded by Ofsted HQ and their QA team?
will I have to give back the funded children if I get a satisfactory grade?
will I have enough paperwork or not enough?
what happens if I get a satisfactory? where will I get support?

Each inspection is subject to the inspector and each inspection will vary....that is why we need to speak up individually

No one can speak for ALL cms...so if you read the blog please add a short comment and say you are worried too as a cm and want to be included

We need to prove that our practice is good but we also want 'fair' inspections and above all we do not want Ofsted turning around and saying cms are not good enough so agencies will remedy that

Please join in this ...click on that blog and leave your message.

08-08-2013, 07:15 AM
Nurseries and preschools have already started acting on these concerns

Yesterday NDNA met with Ofsted Sue Gregory to discuss their concerns...they reported their meeting was a positive start

We need to be involved and indeed are involved but I am not sure who will speak for us

We cannot expect just the few to raise concerns, or write letters or go to meetings or keep constantly updated about all the various issues affecting cms...we need to raise concerns in huge numbers

I had hoped more cms would have commented on June's blog so to show solidarity with the rest of the sector but also to be included with them in this important matter

If you are not worried about your next inspection then you need do nothing ....if you are worried or unsure then join in this ...we need to be a large group to make a difference unless you can find an association that is taking our concerns over inspections to Ofsted itself

Keep us posted if you do!