View Full Version : Migraine...eight yr old son :(

Bumble Beez
25-07-2013, 11:54 PM
Ok, so my DS who is eight has suffered with terrible migraines since he was born, was diagnosed 6 yeas ago and has been on medication to calm them for the past 4 years...can knock him out of action for anywhere from one day to five or six at worse :'(
Although the medication works and kind of stifles the migraine, he does still get them from time to time and yes you guessed it...one has come on overnight!
I've just been woken up to sick and dizziness and DS crawling round on his hands and knees bless him...
So...showered him off, stripped his bed and cleared up the sick (gross!) and I'm now sat downstairs having a cuppa with the dogs lol...
Just thought I'd share why I was up and silly o clock...zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Sarah x

26-07-2013, 04:26 AM
Your poor ds I sympathise whole heartedly. Have you taken him back for a check on his meds lately? They might have newer better things on the market, as stuff gets realeased all the time x
Poor you too having to watch him go through this x

Bumble Beez
26-07-2013, 04:46 AM
He has 6 monthly blood tests and has an appt with the doc 6 monthly too..
The medication actually works very well...it got to the point where he would be laid up for five days with a migraine, have a week or so back to normal and another would hit again :(
So three or four over the course of a year is actually pretty good!!
School are very understanding and so are my families I mind for...but it is horrible to watch and not be able to take that pain away for him.
My nan, dad and me all suffer from migraines...mine have eased as I've got older so I'm hoping that DS will too.
He is now sleeping soundly...pitch black room...and on the fold out bed so he's close to the floor :'(

Sarah x

26-07-2013, 06:55 AM
Poor little man im so pleased he is getting such amazing support from the docs. Its great to hear. I had migraines for a while but have been very lucky and not had one for years. Now watch, my luck, I will have one later lol.

Hope he is feeling better this morning x

blue bear
26-07-2013, 07:40 AM
Hugs for your poor little fella :group hug: ds2 suffers too,not nice x