View Full Version : Telephone scams

24-07-2013, 05:19 PM

I think I've just had a telephone scammer, I didnt give them anything but even tho it all sounded really dodgy a little bit of me thought what if I'm wrong.

Anyway the lady had a very strong Indian accent and said she was from the universal Internet exchange and that I had a very serious virus on my computer and that she would guide me thro getting rid of it, I said no she kept saying "please I am making humble request", I asked her to tell me what she wanted me to do but she was very vague and asked me to turn my computer on. She wasn't able to tell me what computer I had only that it had Microsoft windows on it and also couldn't say who my Internet provider was. Apparently my computer is now going to crash and be completely unusable and I'm gong to loose my Internet connection.

So was I right to put the phone down on her?

24-07-2013, 05:24 PM
You were most definitely right to put the phone down :thumbsup:

24-07-2013, 05:54 PM
I get at least one of these calls every week. They are a scam.
To get rid of them quickly just say you do not have a computer, they hang up straight away.

24-07-2013, 06:31 PM
thanks fussy

glitter I did try at the end but she was arguing with me so just put the phone down. they are really cheeky!

24-07-2013, 06:37 PM
I have stopped answering anything that comes through 'international'. I let it go to answerphone and if it's my friends who live abroad they leave me a message :D

24-07-2013, 06:54 PM
My response to the two cold calls today was:'I am not interested. My husband is on nights and you have just woken him up!' Grrrrr.

24-07-2013, 07:08 PM
I have had these before and say I don't have a computer, if I answer by mistake.

They get you to open up your computer so they can remote access it and get into it that way. Don't do it

24-07-2013, 07:20 PM
My husband had that once. They said they were from the "cable company" and that there was a problem with our internet connection and could he go on line to a website to check it out.

My husband asked loads of proper technical questions... The lady didn't know what to say and starting getting tongued tied... well, that's what happens when you speak to someone who actually works in the IT industry.

He did however, play a little dumb at first and got loads of info about where they wanted him to go, and what they wanted him to do. We then posted it all over FB to warn everyone and got people to share it. :thumbsup:

24-07-2013, 07:28 PM
It's ridiculous that we can't even answer our own phones nowadays without someone trying to rip us off!! Grrrrr!

24-07-2013, 07:34 PM
My husband had that once. They said they were from the "cable company" and that there was a problem with our internet connection and could he go on line to a website to check it out.

My husband asked loads of proper technical questions... The lady didn't know what to say and starting getting tongued tied... well, that's what happens when you speak to someone who actually works in the IT industry.

He did however, play a little dumb at first and got loads of info about where they wanted him to go, and what they wanted him to do. We then posted it all over FB to warn everyone and got people to share it. :thumbsup:

My husband had a long chat with the guy that phoned us about our 'computer problem'-he's a computer engineer!! Man eventually hung up on him-result lol :)

24-07-2013, 08:03 PM
I get these calls were they tell me I have a problem with my windows. I just reply I do, do I, that's strange as I have a Mac. They hang up pretty quickly then

24-07-2013, 08:19 PM
I get these calls were they tell me I have a problem with my windows. I just reply I do, do I, that's strange as I have a Mac. They hang up pretty quickly then

Should have replied... "Erm, no, I don't think I do. I just had them cleaned last week!" :laughing:

25-07-2013, 08:42 AM
Wish I had more knowledge about computers so I could give as good as I get but I'm easily confused lol

Well next time I'm just not going to answer I don't know why I did anyway I give everybody my mobile number not my home number

25-07-2013, 02:10 PM
Yeah I would also say I don't have a computer xx

Daisy De
25-07-2013, 04:10 PM
I quite like these calls, I'm very suspicious, never buy anything over the phone and do get some sad pleasure asking questions back and being generally awkward.

I have had this computer one several times and have had quite a long chat asking them all sorts of questions but of course never involving my computer, they usually hang up in the end.

I appreciate some people get caught out by these crooks and something should be done but because I know its a scam I do like to give them a taste of their own medicine and play :blush:

I tend to not believe anyone I don't know on the phone and the wonderful deals they can offer me never are as great or competitive as they promise. A sad reflection on the world today I suppose.

25-07-2013, 04:27 PM
I quite like these calls, I'm very suspicious, never buy anything over the phone and do get some sad pleasure asking questions back and being generally awkward.

I have had this computer one several times and have had quite a long chat asking them all sorts of questions but of course never involving my computer, they usually hang up in the end.

I appreciate some people get caught out by these crooks and something should be done but because I know its a scam I do like to give them a taste of their own medicine and play :blush:

I tend to not believe anyone I don't know on the phone and the wonderful deals they can offer me never are as great or competitive as they promise. A sad reflection on the world today I suppose.

You can do something about it. Get as much info out of them as possible, even if you say you need to call them back, as for a number.

I had a scammer call me I got so much detail and the idiot called my house phone and did not withhold the number so I even got the mobile number they were calling from. I spoke with citizens advice for trading standards and was advised to also call the Action Fraud. They have both taken the details down and Action Fraud work with the police. The more people who call up with information about them, the more likely they are to get caught.