View Full Version : Schools and suncream...

15-07-2013, 03:11 PM
Is it an urban myth or it's there really a bit of legislation that says primary schools aren't allowed to apply sun-lotion? I find it extraordinary that I can, nurseries can but schools can't help reception children apply parent provided suncream?
Our school has relaxed the uniform code and said kids can take suncream in, but teachers "are not allowed" to apply it. I've asked at reception and she couldn't give me any kind of answer!

Don't get me started on how they ask for sunhats but don't enforce the wearing of them!!


hectors house
15-07-2013, 03:46 PM
They just don't want to take any responsibility for missing any bits - I think parents should apply a once a day suncream at home but children take in sun cream incase it is cloudy in morning but brightens up unexpectedly later. Also it would take the teacher and assistants an hour to apply it to 28 faces, arms, necks etc - I have asked parents to apply on their children each morning while getting dressed but hardly any bother!

Tempted to say "I just assume that children have had breakfast before they come without me having to ask you and like wise I assume you have bothered to put sun cream on them)!

15-07-2013, 04:14 PM
I thinks it's classed as administering medicine so they can't (odd I know) As i know one mum at a different school got permision for her kid to have some suncream but it had to kept in office with the medicines and she had to sign permision forms. My sons nursery wouldn't apply it either. It really annoys me as I don't think apply it in the morning is enough for whole school day.

15-07-2013, 04:19 PM
I buy the Soltan 8 hour suncream for my son, solves the school issue.

15-07-2013, 05:02 PM
My dd is a reception teacher and doesn't put on suncream, partly due to the risk of child protection issues - and yes, there really are parents out there who would make allegations and that's your career finished - and partly it's a time issue, it would take so long to put cream on 20+ children by the time it was done it'd be time to come back in, they'd get no time outside and she'd get no lunch. What if they all had different kinds, potential allergies, reactions etc if she inadvertantly put the wrong cream on a child - annoying as it is, I can easily see why they don't do it. Our pre-school don't either, but their sessions are only 3 hours so not such a necessity.


15-07-2013, 05:16 PM
I put once a day on Rose each morning but I don't believe it lasts all day as the other week she came back red.

15-07-2013, 05:17 PM
It's been the same for years now, my second to youngest is 16 and it was like that when she was at school.

I can understand that the logistics of apply cream to every child would take longer than the activity.

Th only issue I have with applying the all day cream is the fact that if you apply it whilst still at home your child isn't getting any exposure to the sun and that's just as bad as getting too much.