View Full Version : Visiting 'big' school

Bumble Beez
11-07-2013, 07:40 AM
My youngest DS and I are visiting his new full time class this morning...can't help feeling a little sad as he's the last one to head off to school and although I've been thru it with my older 2 it's going to be very strange in September not having him here with me :( on a positive note...he can't wait and is currently hopping up and down wanting to leave NOW!!
Is it hard working as a minder when your own children don't need you as much anymore? Am feeling a tad emotional now :'(

Sarah x

11-07-2013, 08:19 AM
I missed both my children terribly when they went to school, as they'd both become so helpful the year before hand.

but in a way, having the LO at home made it easier, as I was busy and didn't have time on my hands!

I still miss mine when they go back to school after the holidays, and love it if they have a day off during the week!

11-07-2013, 08:22 AM
I've always longed for the school holidays so I can be with my children, I miss them all when they aren't here. It's very sad.. :D

11-07-2013, 08:39 AM
I've always longed for the school holidays so I can be with my children, I miss them all when they aren't here. It's very sad.. :D

Me too! Can't understand parents who dread the kids being home all day! I love my girls being home and was sooo not ready for them to go back to school last sept! I guess if you miss them it means you have a great bond with them.. Hugs for you! Xx

Bumble Beez
11-07-2013, 09:22 AM
I love the school holidays...I've got the majority of families who need tto which works well for me as I get more time with my boys :D
My mum was a teacher so school holidays were our time...and I'm the same with my boys...at 10, 8 and 4 I still have soooo much I plan for when they're here...I'm just a little confused as to how I'll feel in sept when I take all 3 to school, and only have other people's children...I've always had one of my own with me and I just think I'm gonna find it hard!
Me being a wimp I suppose lol

Sarah x

11-07-2013, 09:35 AM
Am I the only one who enjoys the peace and quiet? My friend asked me to register when my youngest was one and I refused. She has been in nursery full time and is now starting reception and I have only just registered. I take my hat of to childminders who are pregnant and have their own babies as I don't think I could do it.

11-07-2013, 09:43 AM
My youngest DS and I are visiting his new full time class this morning...can't help feeling a little sad as he's the last one to head off to school and although I've been thru it with my older 2 it's going to be very strange in September not having him here with me :( on a positive note...he can't wait and is currently hopping up and down wanting to leave NOW!!
Is it hard working as a minder when your own children don't need you as much anymore? Am feeling a tad emotional now :'(

Sarah x

I have two children. My eldest son is currently in reception and my youngest is starting in September.

I wasn't really upset when my eldest went to school but I cried after dropping my youngest off for his half day last week. Really didn't expect it - it didn't help that I walked into the village afterwards and two people commented that I didn't have any children with me which set me off blubbing!

Dreading September when he goes. Luckily I'm not working on his first day (I work TTO and it's fallen nicely with my mindees not starting until the end of the week). I can't wait for the summer hols to start so I can spend some quality time with my boys :)

11-07-2013, 10:13 AM
Me too! Can't understand parents who dread the kids being home all day! I love my girls being home and was sooo not ready for them to go back to school last sept! I guess if you miss them it means you have a great bond with them.. Hugs for you! Xx

The sad thing is that now most of mine have grown up and left home:( I have a 16 yr old and my three year old left at home now ( three have flown the nest). My 16yr old now has a weekend / summer job so I never see her any more. My son starts nursery in August, I'm so not looking forward to it. He is more than ready but I'm not.. :(

My summers were always so full of fun and play, I think that's what made me really put my all I to becoming a child minder. It keeps me from going insane. :)

The schools are already out for the summer up here (Aberdeen) and I'm missing one if my schoolers already. :(

11-07-2013, 01:07 PM
My child starts nursery this year , I really don't want her to go. If she does it will only be for 2 mornings a week. Next year she will be in full time school, which I am dreading. Thinking of home schooling until she is 6. I have spoken to other parents who did not send their kids to nursery at all and they were fine and settled OK in reception. I know most of you will thing I'm crazy lol!