11-07-2013, 12:23 AM
Are you scared of spiders?

Heights ?

Do you get worried about things happening to your family or friends ?

Do you not like touching things ..for example I hate cotton wool yuk it makes me shiver

What about YOU.?

Angel xx

11-07-2013, 04:51 AM
Ergh cotton wool - the thought of it makes my teeth go funny lol!

I don't really have any phobias but I'm not keen on heights or spiders and for some reason I worry that my family will burn in a house fire (no idea why - never had an experience of it!).

11-07-2013, 05:21 AM
Angel, why are you up so late? :laughing:

Becci, why are you up so early? :laughing:

My biggest fear used to be not being accepted as a male childminder by parents, other CMs, YOU LOT :laughing: but everyone has been first class :thumbsup:

11-07-2013, 05:36 AM
Hubby woke me up 'trying' to be quiet when leaving for work :rolleyes:

11-07-2013, 06:07 AM
I can't stand cotton wool either. I used to have nightmares about being wrapped up in it & suffocating! The thought of the stuff makes my teeth go funny too eeeew. My family & friends don't believe it's a real phobia & tease me all the time.

Bumble Beez
11-07-2013, 06:30 AM
Angel, why are you up so late? :laughing:

Becci, why are you up so early? :laughing:

My biggest fear used to be not being accepted as a male childminder by parents, other CMs, YOU LOT :laughing: but everyone has been first class :thumbsup:

I personally think it's awesome that you're childminding...in my area there is only one male childminder and he does such a fab job that he's constantly over subscribed with interest. Some female minders I know think its 'weird' however My view is if you're good at your job and you enjoy it then why not?! :D
Keep up the good work Rick...

Sarah x

Bumble Beez
11-07-2013, 06:31 AM
Spiders...any size, type etc. argh I'm going all funny just thinking about them!
I do try to be good with my mindees and put them in a cup to put outside...however they all know I squeal when I do it which they all find highly amusing :blush:

Sarah x

11-07-2013, 06:54 AM
Something happening to my family
Being in situations that I'm not in control of
Smoking (not scared but can't stand it)

11-07-2013, 07:08 AM
Oh yes, it bothers me greatly that myself or someone very close to me will have the big C!

My ex OH has it (Dd's dad) and I feel so sad for her that she will have to watch his gradual decline. Fortunately (or not, depends how u look at it) it a slow growing type so he could well have 10+ years yet but at this moment in time it's incurable.

11-07-2013, 07:11 AM
Rats and heights.

11-07-2013, 07:18 AM
I have a fear of tidal waves ...

don't live near the sea, never have ( apart from 2 years in Sydney ) but have been afraid of them for as long as I can remember. however, I deal with it and we do go to the beach, and I did live by the sea in Sydney!

i'm not struck on slugs/worms/spiders either!

11-07-2013, 07:21 AM
Angel, why are you up so late? :laughing:

Becci, why are you up so early? :laughing:

My biggest fear used to be not being accepted as a male childminder by parents, other CMs, YOU LOT :laughing: but everyone has been first class :thumbsup:

I can understand your fears after the week I have had with one of my parents. I'm shocked at many parents attitude towards men. Personally I think we need alot more men in childcare. I employed a man in after school club in England and the children loved it, especially the boys from single parent homes. I also think the job would be taken more seriously if more men were registered childminders. My new partner is a carer for a lady with MS and the odd comments I've had from so called friends astounds me.

I think we should have a massive campaign to encourage more men into childminding. Apparently according to recent news item on TV there is only one male childminder in the WHOLE of northern ireland, sad.

Sorry to go off topic a bit. My major fear are birds, nasty things:(

11-07-2013, 07:26 AM
Angel, why are you up so late? :laughing:

Becci, why are you up so early? :laughing:

My biggest fear used to be not being accepted as a male childminder by parents, other CMs, YOU LOT :laughing: but everyone has been first class :thumbsup:

I'm always up late :laughing:

I'm scared of anything that flies except wasps and bees ha ..I know crazy

I'm mostly scared of moths ..butterflies ...and you all know about the dreaded floaters ...they are out next month boooo

Angel xxx

11-07-2013, 07:40 AM
Angel, why are you up so late? :laughing:

Becci, why are you up so early? :laughing:

My biggest fear used to be not being accepted as a male childminder by parents, other CMs, YOU LOT :laughing: but everyone has been first class :thumbsup:

I think it's awesome that you're childminding as well. We have a male childminder a few streets away and he's totally fab.
When I had my youngest Whois here and a half almost, I worked full time and my hubby stayed home to watch our son, h I'd this or a year and loved it. He was ace at it as well, but women at groups and stuff would tut tut :( such a shame as they had such a brill time together. Why should men take a more active role with children, they have so much to offer. The World is a different place than it was even 20 years ago and we need to embrace the positive changes..

11-07-2013, 07:44 AM
I also hate the dreaded cotton wool, especially the cheap crunchy type and also foam from cushions.

Clowns or anything in a mask

wasps - terrified of them and also allergic

11-07-2013, 07:53 AM
Are you scared of spiders?

Heights ?

Do you get worried about things happening to your family or friends ?

Do you not like touching things ..for example I hate cotton wool yuk it makes me shiver

What about YOU.?

Angel xx

I hate cotton wool too!! Can't touch the stuff!! It's a weird one but can't stand the feel of it!! I always get the funniest looks at injections n blood tests when I say please don't put the cotton wool near me!! Lol

Also the usual spiders, mice, snakes!! :)

11-07-2013, 07:54 AM
Oh and daddy long legs!! I swear they chase me!! :s

11-07-2013, 08:11 AM
I forgot to add, mines snakes and chalk, just thinking about chalk makes my fingers cringe..

11-07-2013, 08:49 AM
Im petrified of spiders in webs or above me. If they are on the floor then I'm fine..... weird

I have a fear of them dropping on me and I don't go outside in the garden between August and October because of the ones that sit in their webs. I'm so frightened of walking into one and it being on me......shudder. It once took me half an hour to get out of the front door once because one had made a web just outside. I cant have any bushes outside because they use them to attach to and when Im walking down the road Im constantly looking for them. It rubbish actually because for 3 months every year I'm a jibbering wreck.

I also don't like being a passenger in a car, makes me sweat and feel really nervous. Myself and Dh always argue in the car because I cant cope with just sitting there so I try to always drive. :D I like being in control

11-07-2013, 09:22 AM
Oh and daddy long legs!! I swear they chase me!! :s

These are the " floaters " that I'm petrified of :laughing:

You watch them ..from a distance of course ..they float along the ground or on the walls etc

Hence me calling them floaters ha ha

Hate the things xxx

11-07-2013, 09:48 AM
These are the " floaters " that I'm petrified of :laughing:

You watch them ..from a distance of course ..they float along the ground or on the walls etc

Hence me calling them floaters ha ha

Hate the things xxx

I'm petrified of spiders (really don't like their scuttling) but I will quite happily catch a daddy long legs in my hand and put it outside!

11-07-2013, 09:55 AM
Public Speaking
Family being ill or worse
Getting my head trapped (I don't mind enclosed spaces,but if I can't move my head it freaks me out)
Heights if I have to cross a chasm. But I don't mind high buildings or mountains
Roller coaster rides

11-07-2013, 10:35 AM
Mines glitter :( I cannot stand the stuff, really makes me shiver eeewwww!
My dd hadn't seen glitter until she started pre school lol, she was fascinated!! I had to put the pictures in a bin bag in the boot and then we had to drive to my moms or the outlaws to drop it off!
Mindees get glitter glue to play with, as I can't really not let them play with it, but no real glitter here x

11-07-2013, 11:48 AM
I hate anyone dressed up in a costume that covers their face. I also get creeped out by beards and find it really hard to be friendly to anyone with one. My family and friends have even taken to shaving just for me before coming to visit. Don't know why I hate it i just do.

11-07-2013, 12:37 PM
Meeting the man of my dreams looking like I do today :laughing::laughing::laughing:

Bumble Beez
11-07-2013, 12:39 PM
Meeting the man of my dreams looking like I do today :laughing::laughing::laughing:

Lmao....best answer ever!! :D

11-07-2013, 12:45 PM
Horses!!! Absolutely petrified of them! Evil things must be the spawn of the devil!!!!

The Juggler
11-07-2013, 12:45 PM
sharks. won't catch me in the sea past my knees :panic:

11-07-2013, 12:46 PM
Spiders and daddy long legs and wasps!!

My biggest fear is flying - we fly to disneyland Paris 2 weeks on Monday and already dreading it as have to pretend I am fine for my 2 daughters xx

11-07-2013, 12:51 PM

the thought of explaining multiple accidents to parents fills me with dread!!!!

11-07-2013, 12:52 PM
Meeting the man of my dreams looking like I do today :laughing::laughing::laughing:

Hahahaha fantastic answer :D

11-07-2013, 03:04 PM
Well last night I got laughed at as I can't put plastics pots into the dishwasher

No idea why but I have to hand wash them so that's what springs to mind

11-07-2013, 06:30 PM
I'm scared of deep water. When I'm swimming I always stop at the 1.3 marker and turn round. I cant stand and look into the deep end without gasping for breathe! I also do not like dead animals, in particular birds

11-07-2013, 06:47 PM
Something happening to my family. I absolutely hate it if one of them even has a bug let alone something big. Big panic about that one.
Being completely on my own in the world.
The bottoms of boats.
The bottoms of trains.
Wind turbines & electric pylons.
Confined spaces.
Heights (not as bad as the others).
Being away from home (not able to click my fingers & be back).
Passenger in a car.
Yes, I know. I'm strange!
Due to go on holiday in 2 weeks. Rome by train. All the way apart from the first 6 hours by car. I'm absolutely dreading it. I usually look forward to school breaking up for summer whereas this year....! Totally irrational panic!

11-07-2013, 07:35 PM
I was always afraid of dogs n any four legged animal bigger like the forest ponies n such. I have made a massive effort to not show ds the fears n it seems to be paying iff as im getting over it.

I take him to the dentist with me too as it means I have to behave.

11-07-2013, 07:45 PM
Electricity pylons and those sub stations which look like this......actually putting this picture on has made me feel a bit yeuk.....i have been known to close my eyes as i go down the m6 (if not driving) when we get to nr wednesbury where there is a big one right next to the motorway.

wibble the pylonophobic x
http://www.childmindinghelp.co.uk/forum/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxQTEhUUExQVFhQVFhQVFxYXGBcUFRgXFBcXGBQUGB gYHCggGBwlHBQUITEhJSksLi4uFx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GxAQGzQkHyYsNCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLC wsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLP/AABEIAKABPAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAACAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAADBAECBQAGB//EAEUQAAEDAwICCAMECAMHBQEAAAEAAhEDEiEEMQVBBhMiUWFxg ZEyobEjUsHRFDNCYnKy4fAkgsIVQ2NzksPxNFODk6J0/8QAGgEAAwEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFBv/EACkRAAICAQMDAwUBAQEAAAAAAAABAhEhAxIxBCJBE1GBIzIzc bFh0aH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AMiFIar2qbV9MeGDtUwiBq61IClq61EtXWoAHC61FDEy21gwA5/jlrfT9o/IeKlyoaVihpHcggeOPqq2ozyXGXEk95yVzZGxifI/I4SuVD7QMLoTelph0M7RfBggTMcyBsqVKJbuPyKmGqpOnh+xUt NrK4KUqMgk7D5k7D++4qhPp5J3UYp02991Q+ptb8m/NK2qlnLE8YRWRgW+bp28bf6+impSiNiCJBGQVzm4T73NFKmA3b 4iZJdPNc85vTmks34/4axipxbeKM2F1qYfR5jI+YQ7V0RkpK0YSi1yDhQ7Hoi2q1SnLC fu4Pkdj+HslN0myoq2MO099Km4umpER5bCZOUiWp6p+rbvv+ao 7t/xfX+q5emnJQTfH8N9eKcsc/0ThdCJaohdpyg4XWokLoTCgdqi1FtUWoAHC6ES1dCABQutRLV1 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Q45ALZIBB3BIgjmJXqKvA2uPw6cE/dJbPmGxKRSKaTgtFrGUjqJskiHBryD3528gsfiHAG0RdTqtdTb aA2Zd3csHzWnpujFM5DKU/u1Kv9YRNV0Ya7IZbAdltRx5dxb4d6l88FeDF6B8Oa9rnl0Q0s3 IPaMziPu9683xrS21KpkWjUVWDx5zJJK9B0Q4Qa9FxDg2DGWNf uDtOyz+lvATphSl7XXF4wwNOAMkg53R5F4NDodoG1R2nW2iQZA zd4+S0ek2lY0US2uXk6qgSwuaecTAziAsbo3wY6loAcG2ZyHEG SRHZII909x3grqJ07iykB+kURc3rQ/J5h7iDt3p+QXBXSMuq6jt2drUGcCYJ7Oe9W6McM67TuBquYLst EQ7HPnHkhafSio/UBwMA6h+CB8Mkbq/R3TTpXubSFSoCQy4EiYkZA7PmnQkE4PwS6tqgKkPaWicnJk3R5 gK/B+E/4vVML46sUBIO4LNs+S8/pmVmVnnUU3U2vmSxgNpyRZgdmcESj6VoZUL26sS9sPuBZJEWGD IECRCluJSTNjX8LeOsAqUmh1rRc7NuxO2Dk4Wdw5ov1Ac+nkPF 7nWtJzlvefBbXD+MhpHWVOtbBkNfTa67EEQ4TzXn2a57nah+ma XF5cQHW4a4kkmcEx3ITXgGmaPAC1jGucKTg4NImvYWQ1oMtI3l oKjpfUoOZR6ptIOl91ha4/DzI3zzQ+G1AKbWOqOwAA1tKk8475ys7V6hlbUNpU3vcKYLndYA AS634Q3Gx5oU0x7KQXjIou1NJtKm0NDGioAGtDjJLzIMGWxlNa zRUnV7KNNpYA0wTTDcQ4gRhshpbn7yS1ddr9QwUnVXCnLDDRcw 7Y7efcJiWSb6mqJPpnxHWGUpToFCw+s0bP9oBhFMtLW4fJZ8Jg EtPgkuJ0mHXdUGUoDQxzBcKckTviBnfvCBRAbcXGoXHZwkeQOV DySbu1dEXHeO6d1EtVeDRaboPqNK1n6Qerp/Z0RcLrofMTvk/DIExhNaTSPwaemyepJcGggFsXOBA3NuTk5WYZz47+PnlDfUdyj 5/mp9UPTPSUOH1qgIfQY+Y+NpZETMGQSMlaOl6N1AAJpsAnstdVM XGTu6JnmvF0qrhuAfAEt+clNU+JAGOr85rOA+TVUdT3BwPfUOB taQRAO5LQ0TiM9nKy+kPR9td9Mhwa6nztkkGezuPNZWlrsfABo SeRr1pnytC0hwCo4do0mzzBqPMeuD6rVS/wzca8ni+l+kZTNIB1Q2u/wB467fcjMxhIcWpudULg0wQ0j2XpeJ9EKla1zKzIBIALS3YwCC CRyTui4TWpttJBz95w5ARjyVOycWf/9k=

11-07-2013, 09:09 PM
Well last night I got laughed at as I can't put plastics pots into the dishwasher

No idea why but I have to hand wash them so that's what springs to mind

I hate it when glasses and crockery come out of the dishwasher all squeaky!!

Biggest fear is something happening to my kids or hubby...get all emotional even contemplating it.

Next to that is me not being in control of myself, so no epidural or anaesthetic for me!!

12-07-2013, 09:57 PM
I can't cope with Balloons. Foil ones are fine but regular ones .. the noise ... the squeak :panic:

My partner has to take the children to birthday parties if there will be any balloons there.

My best friend said her first ever memory of me, the first time I went round her house was me hiding her child's McDonald's balloon down the back of the sofa and she didn't know what to say at the time but she's used to my crazy ways now :laughing: