View Full Version : MIDDLE OF THE WEEK

10-07-2013, 05:57 AM
Morning / Afternoon / Evening everyone

Phew it's hot already ... I couldn't sleep

Water play for us today

What about you ...what are your plans today / or this evening / or both?

Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine

Angel xx

10-07-2013, 06:05 AM
I was planning a trip to the beach. It's gone from 27degrees here yesterday to being cold, windy & grey! Hello England :)

10-07-2013, 06:07 AM
I'm having a new windscreen fitted today so it's just garden play for us today, should still be fun Hugh :), enjoy your day everyone.. :)

mrs robbie williams
10-07-2013, 06:09 AM
morning angel :D last day until sept with my nearly 3 yr old mindee as mum is teacher at private school so they have longer summer hols than us - so got her plus my troublesome nearly 2 yr old :laughing: playgroup this morning, pop to Tesco on way back for lunch bits (does anyone else always run out mid week??) then garden play xx

10-07-2013, 06:25 AM
Strawberry picking and water park :)

10-07-2013, 06:26 AM
Just been busy ordering some sticker books for my older early morning arrivals.

After the school run only 1 lo which is lovely, we'll go off to toddler group this morning and this afternoon while he's asleep I can crack on with the mountain of paperwork which seems to have piled up in the last months since I did any (I really mean to keep up with it and do some every week but never do! :blush:)

Water in the garden after school for us too today - it's too hot for me - no energy, I've been getting up early to get things done while it's still cool...

10-07-2013, 06:31 AM
my early morning baby is back to early mornings after 8? weeks of being an hour n sometimes longer late.

two more preschoolers to arrive for an hour here before school and then only one of them come back.

Chilled day for me, with the exception of ds still being home with CP.

Oh n 2.30 another LO arrives n then two after schooleys.

They all leave at 6.30 n then I have college for 7pm for my level 3

10-07-2013, 06:39 AM
I'm up early this morning, waiting for mindee who wanted to come early....not here yet!

Play group this morning, then outside again for lunch and activities :D

10-07-2013, 06:41 AM
Hi angel!

One of mines still in bed! Result! Going to another cm today for water play and good old fashioned fun!! :) :)

10-07-2013, 06:42 AM
Water play and possibly the paddling pool if I can get dh to drag out and fill it for me :laughing::laughing:

Have a lovely day everyone :thumbsup:

hectors house
10-07-2013, 06:44 AM
Off to local livestock market this morning - one mindee though is so obsessed with vehicles that he gets far more enjoyment as seeing the cattle lorries, tractors and trailers arriving than he does with seeing the animals being unloaded. Had a chuckle last time we went, a lady turned up with just a small escort van, opened the back and 6 adult sheep jumped out - just like a scene from Wallace & Grommit) :laughing: Then we will have a wander round the tractor dealership and then pop to Mole Valley Farmers to see the things that farmers buy!

Still sunny here in the South West :clapping:

hectors house
10-07-2013, 06:50 AM
Sorry - hijacking the thread

Morning Rick - went to Bath city farm last weekend, didn't seem as good as when I went last summer and where is the pony? Do you still go on a Tuesday to the toddler group?

Right everyone - carry on now with "middle of the week" What are you doing?:D

10-07-2013, 06:52 AM
Workwise: Parent visit with a baby who'll be 9 months old in September when she goes back to work, with 3 mindees staggered from 11.30, off Thursday and Friday as mindee 1 has dropped days to 1 a week and came yesterday and mindee 2 is on a school trip tomorrow and Friday

Personally: After 8 years of poop from the ex, he text me last night asking for MY help in getting himself out the hole he's been digging for himself and I had great pleasure in not only telling him to jog on, but proving he was indeed the liar he claims not to be, and informing him exactly WHY he won't be getting any help from me.
Haven't heard a peep out of him since :laughing:
Aint Karma wonderful.
I'm sorry the kids are hurting :( but as always, I'll be there to pick up the pieces he leaves behind, but from me to him : HA!

What a joyous Wednesday it is, Happy hump day to everyone the weekend is in sight!

10-07-2013, 07:02 AM
It's my last day of having all 3 of my little ones together on the same day.
So we are off to Bewl Water for a picnic, play and boat ride.

Have a great day everyone :thumbsup:

10-07-2013, 07:08 AM
morning :D

having had the last 2 Wednesdays off, its a shock to be working today :laughing:

3 LO, think we'll head up to the pond to check on the tadpole/frog situation! and possibly home via a stop to buy ice lollies! :D

then lots more water play in the garden. one LO spent most of yesterday creating different ramps & tunnels for the cars and working out what worked, so today i'm going to add water to the mix! :D

then i'm finishing early as I have a rehersal and all my parents have been great and arranged to collect their children early! ( apart from one set of schoolies, whose parents DIDN'T read the school newsletter that came home on Friday ( I don't collect on a Friday ) and didn't know that there were no clubs afterschool today. they stood there last night going ''oh what are we going to do? '' I said I don't know! :D)

10-07-2013, 07:18 AM
Good morning all.

I am enjoying breakfast without ds for the first time this year. Have to wake him soon so we can get dressed and go to baby group.

Then as its already hot here i think an afternoon in the paddling pool is called for.

Enjoy your day

10-07-2013, 07:41 AM
Morning everyone! Wednesday is my late start, mindees are due at 830 (usually nearly 9!) and 930 (usually nearer 10!) am up and dressed now and enjoying the peace with a cuppa as my three are still snoring!

We are gonna stay in This morning, one of my girls has been getting. Headaches from the sun and littlest mindee is cranky in it so we are off to a music class, library and a spot of shopping. May have to buy a paddling pool. !

I leave you with this!!!


Have a fab day all!

10-07-2013, 08:02 AM
Morning angel and everyone.

I shall be sitting in the garden trying to stay cool until the school run with any luck!

Yesterday I had a friend over for tea with her 2 small boys plus dd's friend and have massively overdone it so my pelvis is forcing me to spend the day doing nothing whatsoever, I'll be glad when this baby arrives now as it truly is very boring being on pretty much bed rest constantly :(

Have a lovely day everyone :)

10-07-2013, 08:07 AM

Only one LO today and mum is bringing her 2 hours later than usual so I can have a lie in seeing as its the holidays!

It's a lot cooler here today, thank goodness! So we will just venture out to the park this morning before going shopping for party food for my sons birthday on Friday!!

10-07-2013, 08:10 AM
new pool being delivered today so waiting hopefully it comes this morning

we have 6 this morning with 2 going to nursery this afternoon

have sorted out garden so will have fun out there this morning with the water/sand etc.

have a lovely day everyone


10-07-2013, 08:10 AM

The garden is all set up ready for another day's play. Unfortunately the sun has forgotten to put in an appearance! Hopefully it'll be here by the time the children arrive :cool:

10-07-2013, 08:21 AM

The garden is all set up ready for another day's play. Unfortunately the sun has forgotten to put in an appearance! Hopefully it'll be here by the time the children arrive :cool:

What happened to everyone getting sunshine all through July?

Sending it your way mouse

Angel xx

10-07-2013, 09:41 AM
Morning Everyone

Not as hot here as it has been but we're hoping to get the whale sprinkler out, we had great fun with it yesterday and we were all soaked :laughing:

This afternoon is dd's school play so we're off to watch that.

Have a great day everyone and enjoy this lovely weather

Carol xx

10-07-2013, 10:17 AM
Hot here too!!! We've done an hour in the garden playing with water and doing hopscotch. They are now drawing faces on paper plates to make into masks! I have one dressed as a police lady/ballerina and the other is a nurse fairy! They are planning a show with their masks as well! In just sat observing and laughing! Think it will be a funny morning!

This afternoon we are making fruit kebabs for pudding and will probably go to the park on the way home from school if we can.

10-07-2013, 10:41 AM
Good morning! I've been running around like a mad woman sorting the house ready for my Healthy Early Years Setting Award inspection which is at 2pm! DH's home too so every time I tidy something and walk away he's got something else out!!!! Am looking forward to him going out very soon so I can do my final prep!!

10-07-2013, 12:11 PM
Morning Everyone

Not as hot here as it has been but we're hoping to get the whale sprinkler out, we had great fun with it yesterday and we were all soaked :laughing:

This afternoon is dd's school play so we're off to watch that.

Have a great day everyone and enjoy this lovely weather

Carol xx

Ooh saw this in Argos it looks great!