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View Full Version : Business car insurance

09-07-2013, 07:57 PM
I don't drive so I didn't think I'd need business car insurance but then i thought if my husband drive me and mindees then maybe car would need to be insured for business use. What do you think?

09-07-2013, 11:18 PM
Hi, I'm not sure if all insurance companies are the same but with mine, I was told it's the driver who needs to have business insurance not the car.

In that case the driver has to be registered as an assistant if they are to drive you and mindees around.

I wanted my mum to drive me and mindees sometimes as I didn't have business insurance and was told that although that is fine without business insurance as she's not getting paid, it's not ok with OFSTED and probably not ok with parents too.

Check with OFSTED too whatever you decide to do, just to check.

I'm finally getting business insurance and my mum is registering as my assistant too so she can drive us sometimes.

Bumble Beez
10-07-2013, 05:16 AM
Ooh that's a hard one...not sure tbh.
My feeling would be to talk to ofsted and if they're unhelpful (yeah I know!) then maybe consider a taxi or using a bus...
As I drive I've never been up against this before.

Sarah x